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Mattie Cribb

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Everything posted by Mattie Cribb

  1. GDay Nick sorry didnt know if you have got your awnser but as you know im under 18 and i have an ASIC but i will have to get a new one after i turn 18 hehe ( i have a question are we allowed to smile in our asic becase i didnt smile in mine i took it as a passport photo heh) But yes nick you will get an ASIC you should
  2. Hey i agree with OzChris thoes Tomys are horrible in stalls. i have bad expirences in tomys some may already know but i have had a parcial engine faliure due to lack of fuel in one tank well the fuel gauge read wrong read 1/2 tank but was accualy empty. It happened in the worst possible position as well just after T/O about 200' with no rwy scary stuff but if we did do down we would have been fine. But as they say everypilots experiences a problem during flight once in there life times so i hope that was mine. I also fly the C152 which i find is a great aircraft
  3. HAHAHAHA Very Good
  4. Dont they usually do that as they go BNE (overfly) then track down the coast i could be thinking of another route.
  5. Yeah but "Aussie Bob"is a nice difference from the female voice. i wonder what will be next ??
  6. Was listening to the Atis and OPR INFO: Men and hand tools inside Rw 14 32 (next in the news Passenger Jet aborts Takeoff as it sucks up a hand tool)they have had troubles with there Rwy Lights for a while i remember being on final once and was asked if the T-bar lights were working for a Virgin Blue jet and they were so i wonder what has happened . never thourght you could be INSIDE a rwy :tongue: YBCG W 300429 RWY: 32 OPR INFO: MEN AND HAND TOOLS INSIDE RWS 14 32 WND: 010/15 XW MAX 12KTS WX: CAVOK + TMP: 28 + QNH: 1000
  7. How come they shut the engine down before the gate and get towed in is this becase of fuel reasons. Like somthings they tow aircraft almost to the Holding point then they start up to save fuel? But great report!!
  8. Why is it the last do you know?
  9. Yeah thats the one i was on about thanks OzChris hes a URL if you want it http://www.auf.asn.au/schools/ftf704.html
  10. Gday mate iknow you said you didnt want to come east but there is a small grass strip airport at Murwillambar ICAO YMUR its like 10-15 min flight south west of Gold Coast airport and im sure they have a skyfox there i remember seeing a website which i cannont find sorry i will keep looking for you
  11. Gday yeah i live at cooly and Air Aisa Flyies up here about 5 times a week or some thing like that. Gold coast biggest aircraft was set with Air Aisax A330 nice A/C. i was at school i watch it T/O as it made it turn it went quiet thats not normal it was like it went to idle and then powered back up again it got my adrilin running and i wasent even in it.
  12. Gday Im Matthew Cribb but ppl call me Mattie, 16 turning 17 in November and in year 11 at school. used to hate flying when i was young i always got scared when ever we flew i met a pilot he got me onto flight sim and thats changed everying now i LOVE flying and im currently doing GFPT at cooly airport. and i have done about 2hrs solo Thanks i hope to see you all online Matt
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