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    Ex-Jabiru, Ex-Skyfox
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osprey5's Achievements

  1. You can study at home from a manual produced by Jan and Val Dyson-Holland. Got my copy from Lake Maquarie ultralights as you can't get signed off on your bi-annual without taking the test!
  2. Hi All, I've been keen on planes since flying on BOAC VC10's from Nairobi to the UK as a kid. The realities of life and lack of funds saw nothing happening until in my 30s and I starting Hang gliding in Essex UK. Then after crashing my Typhoon while trying to ridge soar I did nothing for a further 4 years and then had a few lessons on a trike flying from Upminster near the river Thames. With a young family, that was canned and it wasn't until I was settled on the Central Coast, NSW (many years later!) and taking a mates brother for boat ride that we talked about flying since he was a BA pilot. Then it was a TIF in an ultralight, joined a syndicate with a Skyfox taildragger, joined a syndicate with a Jabiru LSA and now I've sold the Skyfox and the Jab syndicate is ending sadly with the sale this weekend. What a great place to fly here on the Central Coast with the sea and bush inland. Wouldn't be dead for quids.
  3. osprey5


    Hi OzChris - it that a SkyFox on your signature picture?
  4. Nice photo - made it my desk top :)
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