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Everything posted by PlaneInsane

  1. Canberra is also in the planning stages for a new tower, i believe they will start building this year, if not, definitely next.
  2. Hey everyone, First time on here in ages! Been to the north coast for Christmas/New Years and then for a short dip over to Buenos Ares luckily got a QF 747-400ER on the way there :) Up to circuit training now in a C150 and all is going well. Looking to by a headset aswell.. anyone have any suggestions?
  3. Welcome aboard mate!
  4. ****** heard it alright. loud as anything
  5. Exactly 60's. My cousins flying up north with Westwing aviation and even though his not exactly flying 'toys' he refuses to apply for an airline because he wants to fly! Though i believe, as my cousin did, young pilots want to be that captain of that 747 and its not until they gain experience and inevitably age they can crasp that these pilots 'fly' these planes for very little time at all. My cousin was doing the hard yards in WA flying small cargo loads everyday trying to gain those all important hours for QF, JQ etc. I believe after establishing himself at Westwing he realised thats what he wanted to do... I now at 15 and with a measly 3.1 hours with this knowledge still want to be that QF captain, we'll see what happens i suppose...
  6. Thanks for the help guys. My flight instructor told me yesterday that as soon as i turn 16 i should apply for an ASIC...
  7. Hey, I'm sure theres some out there that would be able to help me with applying for an ASIC and ARN. Would anyone be able to explain these things in a greater detail? Process for obtaining an ASIC/ARN? Thanks, Paul.
  8. I wouldn't know where to park but this website contains arrival and departure times which may help schedule your spotting.
  9. Love that approach into ZQN! The mountains seem to go on forever...
  10. There are huge winds coming this way. Winds of 60km/h in Canberra today, with gusts of up to 90!
  11. I think i may have snapped this bird in BNE. I'll have a look...
  12. Thanks a lot guys! Hopefully there will be plenty more reports to come! :)
  13. Hoping for 5th time lucky we head out for YSCB. Arrived and met my flight instructor Michael who made my day by giving the flight the go ahead. We went into briefing and went through the basics. Trim, Yaw, Pitch.. attitude etc. Went through the hangar out onto the apron to our C150 (VH-WWS). Michael checked the fuel and oil and after a few photos we were off. Contacted ground for clearance but all we got was standby. Waited for 10-15 minutes as they couldn't find our airways clearance apparently. He showed me how to taxi for about 20 metres then i went on taxiing to RWY 35. Michael obviously took off, trimed her and we were off to 4,000 flying right over Mt. Majura. I turned into the training our and we spent a good 20-30 minutes going through some turns. Adjusting throttle - primary and secondary effects, deploying flap and adjusting trim. When he told me to turn with the rudder i was very hesitant as i never knew this would actually happened. He told me to push in all the way, after realising he is the instructor i did so and was amazed at the effect. Training was up and i headed for balck mountain tower maintaining 4000. After passing black mountain we headed for fyshwik, slowed down to 2,100rpm (i think) decended and deployed flaps to 10. We were cleared to land runway 35, extended to second stage of flaps and turned on final, decending slowly wondering when he was going to take control i kept headed for the runway. I really thought i was going to land the amount of time i was in control/decending. He took over and made a great landing passing a 737 at November. Turned left down the GA taxiway and back to the GA apron. Holy **** flying is amazing, i can't wait to get out there again!
  14. It was crazy! Why only one 767 at a time? We don't have the resources to cater for 2?
  15. There's never aviation programs on free to air :( Some of these kids are talented but others are just hilarious..
  16. Hahah it's junior eurovision..
  17. Tune into SBS.
  18. That's crazy stuff. My dream do be doing something like that.. what a job!
  19. Nice one ;)
  20. Congratulations
  21. Same in Canberra, missed my flight again argh!!
  22. Welcome to TAA Go the dragons! :biggrin:
  23. ARGH! Couldn't go because of the weather, and then even those weather predictions were wrong, i should've been up there... Oh well - makes me want it more
  24. hahah
  25. haha loads could be the issue.. but theres always people wanting to go CBR - SYD , SYD - CBR with Qantas...
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