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Everything posted by GAJab

  1. Oh how I wish I had seen this thread earlier. This reminds me that I heard an interesting story from Temora too about someone. A certain high-ranking member of a certain organisation was walking past the stand of an RA-Aus member who was selling items from his pseudo pilot shop. The high-ranking member said "Good Morning Mr. X" or words to this effect. Mr. X replied back with a half dozen expletives to the high-ranking member calling him all sorts of names. Maybe you can guess who it was that was yelling out the expletives? (don't even write your answer here as we almost all already know the answer) PS: Here is a clue. It's the same person that verbally abused an aircraft importer (based on the type of aircraft he was selling) 2 Avalon's ago and by the end if his tirade was frothing at the mouth with a crowd of over a dozen people watching!
  2. Sorry but unfortunately that website hasn't closed down yet. It constantly gets stuffed up. One minute it's up, the next it's got a message saying that it's closed down because of some c-rap to do with a photo gallery or something. Opinionated dribble is a massive understatement. It's just a select few half dozen regular posters that's keeping the site and the dribble alive. The regular posters seem to be clashing now and there have been threads on there deleted that were questioning the heavy moderation on the site. Anyone would think it was a ticking time bomb.
  3. Spell it out, nobody will mind if you mention the name here...? There's one I hope will close down but unfortunately I don't think you are referring to that one.
  4. Which website is that? PM if you want.
  5. Vegas and the Canyon are always a good visit. Stayed at Xanterra lodges last time I was there, right next to the Canyon. Have to be careful not to fall over the edge if you sneak out during the night sleepwalking. It's very nice, if you're lucky a Deer might walk past. Not an overly exciting drive there, however Flagstaff was night. Flagstaff is where Collingwood go for their high altitude training each November.
  6. Nice Darren. Were you over there for OshKosh?
  7. Outside of a training environment - Speed Short takeoff Good fuel range Engine and airframe reliability Baggage space Low capital cost Low maintenance cost ... essentially, the holy grail is what pilots are after. This is a short list. For training operations, same things but in a very different priority.
  8. Welcome! I take it that you've "seen the light."
  9. It would take more than a "legal eagle" to work out what makes at least one of the board members "tick."
  10. As much as I would like to wish you luck, it's not the luck you will need, it's the ability to work with your potential counterpart without it doing your head in!
  11. Victor Charlie Charlie this is Mike Sierra Foxtrot are you there Dimitri? I remember it well!
  12. That Dave Francis acquired my old rego, VH-ZEE. I really liked that rego, I should have reserved it for my next aircraft. Oh well.
  13. Stuff driving there! We left Melbourne by air taking around 2.3 hours, versus the 7 hour drive, ouch! The trip home, 2.3 hours again with a slight tail wind. Up to 9,500ft at times searching for stronger winds but forced all over the joint due to varying cloud heights.
  14. As I understand it you are 100% correct despite some of the made up tripe that you may have read elsewhere on other sites!
  15. Highly commended Michael, sounds good I am looking forward to the tasty treats. Last year Dianne from Punkinhead airsports had Easter Eggs at her stand so now I have another place to visit for treat top-ups. It's great that businesses like yours at Natfly offer some hospitality, conversation and a comfortable chair rather than just peddle your their allegedly discounted merchandise or overpriced aircraft. I also admire those businesses like yours that have developed their own products to assist the Australian aviation scene with Research and Development into a local product rather than just importing crappy alternatives from overseas. See you there. NC
  16. GAJab

    Jabiru engines

    It doesn't matter how well you look after a Jabiru engine, it will still do what jabiru engines do best and require a top end overhaul by 600 hours, particularly for the 6 cylinder models. It's the harsh reality and I can give you many examples ranging from 130 hours upwards where this has been the case.
  17. The Jabiru flipped over on landing. It was a flying school aircraft.
  18. If this was "another" forum, you'd all be banned by now :biggrin:
  19. I dropped in there yesterday. A bit of big GA traffic coming and going, the runway is right in the middle of suburbia and quite high at over 2000 ft, big mound in runway can't see each end from the other, Oakey and Amberley are both nearby in terms of airspace, only thing I didn't like is it would get bumpy being inland versus coastal.
  20. I understand that it has quite a few issues and it didn't fly very well. They are heading back to the drawing board big time.
  21. I think I recall that day Robbo, perhaps it was the RACV Wings and Wheels expo? I was a display pilot there. I think that's the only time I've ever seen a Jazz band there!
  22. GAJab

    Crash Vid

    Somehow I just don't think that plane was ever going to land, it was just too fast.
  23. You can get to LA for ~$900 at the moment on V-Australia. Pretty impressive.
  24. Winsor, yes and no, unfortunately they don't do all of them.
  25. The ATSB normally don't investigate experimental aircraft crashes in OZ so they probably gave it to RAaus for experience as they really need it.
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