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Everything posted by GAJab

  1. It all depends on what you want to listen to. With the majority of police and emergency services moving to digital frequencies you won't hear much nowdays anyway. If you are a pilot you can legally have the radio with you for emergency purposes or radio failure in flight (I use my Vertex 220 for this) or if you are in any way associated with a flying school it can be used under them legally. If it's just for home use, don't transmit and you'll be fine (and legal).
  2. Is it just for avation frequencies? If so, why not buy a Vertex VXA220 which ALSO Transmits? They are $179 - $189 in the USA and landed will cost you with a power adapter from Trickie Dickies no more than $250 with a 3 year warranty (try Aircraft Spruce) You'll pay a lot more than that for a scanner!
  3. I saw the Thunderbirds at Nellis AF base in Nevada a couple of years back. Whilst they are good I wouldn't get overly excited about driving or flying many hours to see them!
  4. Sunday at 12pm is the start of the actual flying display.
  5. Isn't one of them going to HARS at Wollongong?
  6. Perhaps you have forgotten about one of the earlier Queensland international airshows that was completely cancelled due to the weather!
  7. The shorter N/S strip is actually sort-of the taxiway for the main strip, however the main strip is quite damaged and bumpy at times, so the shorter side strip became the main one. The tigers just use the shorter strip. The other strip looks to be around 500 - 600 metres and is frequently used depending on the wind direction. If you are in pretty much any RA aircraft the NS short runway will be fine. Make sure you ring them before you go or they will get quite unhappy. Grovedale is going strong still, was there recently and Barwon Heads is the same political nightmare it has always been.
  8. GAJab


    Have seen quite a few examples of the 120 and have heard no complaints other than the small wheels and the extra cost of Jabiru fitting accessories, but nothing a few phone calls won't fix during the negotiations before purchase. From what I have seen the build quality is excellent and performance to match, better than the SP models or similar.
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