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Everything posted by Pricey

  1. Cool. I'll try to get there...
  2. Hey Guys, Probably wrong forum but: Does anyone know what's going on with 16right.com? And, where else can I get an ACARS listing for YSSY?
  3. No worries. I'll see what I can do...
  4. Sorry Darren, at work too. Let me know when you are doing a Saturday or a Sunday and I'll make sure I'm there...
  5. January was too early for me, sorry. Didn't join the Planerazzi until April!
  6. Mr. Chainsaw Sir, Guess who came for breakfast? (Sorry about the lightpole!) [ATTACH]17910[/ATTACH]
  7. Pricey


    Saw it Mr. Chainsaw Sir. Sorry no pic. I, too, believe it's her first visit...
  8. Hi Darren, I know there are often articles sensationalising "near misses" and "lives at risk" etc,etc, but... As sure as I'm sitting here, I seriously could have got both aircraft in the same shot. In fact the QF 73 was directly above the MAS 74 when I took the shot... ATC was none too happy with the MAS crew for being so slow when they sent them over to departure frequency. I will be looking out for an article to appear somewhere soon...
  9. Not my pic Mr. Chainsaw Sir. Was the one on Airframes.org...
  10. Hey Guys, Visitor at the Freight Terminal today... [ATTACH]17909[/ATTACH]
  11. Hey Guys, Saw a thread a while ago concerning DJ E190's in Pacific Blue C/S... Spotted this one today... Landing on 34L, then climbing off 34R [ATTACH]17907[/ATTACH]
  12. Hey Guys, Was on the mound today when I heard ATC advise this QF 737 to go round. Seemed VERY late... Malaysian 122 B744 lingered too long on 34L before getting away and this guy got as close as 100ft (by my reckoning) - If I was quick enough, I could have got them both in the same shot they were that close... [ATTACH]17906[/ATTACH]
  13. Hey Guys, Taking the young lad down to Canberra for some spotting some time this week. Any day better than others? Any recommended places to park ourselves? Suggestions appreciated...
  14. Too late for me Mr. Chainsaw Sir. Been out there already today... [ATTACH]17904[/ATTACH]
  15. Hey Guys, Opposite direction parallel runway ops in use this afternoon. Etihad, Thai, and SQ all departed from 34L. While BA departed off 16L. Have seen the smaller domestic stuff do this often - but not the big guys... Thoughts anyone? [ATTACH]17903[/ATTACH]
  16. Mr Chainsaw Sir, let me see what I can come up with...
  17. Gimme the times boys! - "MADMAN" Pricey will be there...
  18. Thank you Mr. Chainsaw Sir Why do you think she's been so nice to me? I would make someone a good housewife someday...
  19. Hi Guys, Her in Doors has told me to prepare for two days spotting in Adelaide! Don't know when yet, but apparently I'm going... Any tips? Places to park myself? Vantage points, etc?
  20. Hi Darren, Yes I was... If we could get rid of those light poles, plus a few trees to the left, it surely would have to be one of the best places for spotting in the world, no?
  21. Hey Guys, VH-FIX did about a dozen overshoots Sunday morning...
  22. Thank you Mr. Chainsaw Sir. I believe they have three of them - just haven't seen any at all before this. Are they based anywhere in particular? Fly particular routes?
  23. Hey Guys, Never seen this one before...Been around for a while though by the look of her! [ATTACH]17902[/ATTACH]
  24. Hey Guys, Departed YSSY just before 11.30 this a.m. [ATTACH]17901[/ATTACH]
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