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Everything posted by Pricey

  1. Hey Guys, I found it. FYI Delta’s new service between Los Angeles and Sydney will operate as follows: Flight DL17 Departs Los Angeles at 10:40 p.m. Arrives Sydney at 6:40 a.m. (two days later) Effective July 1, 2009 Equipment Boeing 777-200LR Frequency Daily Flight DL16 Departs Sydney at 9:15 a.m. Arrives Los Angeles at 6 a.m. Effective July 3, 2009
  2. Hey Guys, Long time no speak! Read somewhere yesterday Delta will start services between Sydney and the US from July 1st. Was wondering if anyone knew, or knew where I could find out, when their first flight would land at YSSY?
  3. Thank you Mr. Chainsaw Sir. By a process of elimination I have I.D'd it as VH-PIL of Pegasus Air. Thank you once again for your assistance...
  4. Hi Guys, Having issues attaching the photo. I get a blank white screen after clicking upload... Thoughts anyone?
  5. Single prop. White with blue lines. Will add a very grainy and out of focus photo tonight.
  6. Pricey


    Not sure what happened! No photo - all I got was the fire station near the stand off bays on Gen Holmes Drv. Sorry...
  7. Hi Guys, Need some help here... At YSSY this afternoon - immediately prior to UA870 N175UA departing - a small prop took off. I couldn't get the camera out quick enough to get a clear shot. Will add the one I did take to this thread tomorrow unless someone can help me ID it before hand. Not one I was familiar with...
  8. Pricey


    Damn it Mr. Chainsaw Sir. I got there just as it was taking off. Got a photo that I will add to this thread tomorrow (if it's any good!)...
  9. Hi Guys, It's on in Sydney too
  10. Bugger. I would have been great to meet up. I was zipping around Monday arvo and Tuesday morning in a little blue hatchback. Spent most of the time at the carpark near 16. Next time for sure...
  11. Hi Guys, Sorry - have had IT issues at home. At work now and can tell you I was in Melb Monday and yesterday. Maybe I am spoilt in Syd but I honestly didn't think much of YMML. Vantage points aren't so great, and a bit too far away from the action! Lots of construction going on so maybe in a few years it might be better but was disappointed to be unable to see much of the international apron. Good photo ops at the approach to Rwy 16, though, but a shame you don't get to see the touchdown. Maybe they coud spend some $ after the new terminal and set aside a viewing area around the control tower or Bureau of Met. Drove out to Avalon - apart from the remains of EBU, not much to see at all! Nice new shiny terminal, no movement! Had a quick reckky around Essendon which was a little interesting... Am I being too harsh, guys?
  12. Hi Guys, again! Virgin are doing cheap fares to Gold Coast. Is it worth checking out? Is there much action?
  13. Hi Guys, Was wondering if any of you wise fellows know why Air Mauritius started flights to Sydney, only to stop abruptly about 4 weeks later?
  14. Looking forward to 07/25 reopening. Moved to Bexley in July last year, right under the outbound flight path. Then they go and close it on me...
  15. Antonov 225 female? I would think not guys... I have always thought anything smaller than a Jumbo was female, Jumbo or larger must be male. Then Qantas go and name an A380 Nancy...
  16. Hi Guys, 1) Does anyone know when 07/25 at YSSL will be operational again? 2) Does anyone know a reason for UAL having the two colour schemes? Just curious...
  17. I still hope we're talking footwear, otherwise I'm not going...
  18. Thank you Tim, Very useful info...
  19. Thanks for the offers guys. Very generous. I don't know when it'll be yet - the Missus has told me I can GO, she just hasn't told me WHEN yet. No photography, haven't got a decent enough camera...yet. Will just be happy to sit at any recommended places and view/listen to those comings and goings, maybe move around the place, see what secrets the place might have. Also need to know if Avalon is worth a drive...?
  20. Hi Guys, Am planning a spotting trip to Melbourne sometime soon. 1) Can anyone recommend any vantage points at Tullamarine? 2) Is Avalon worth a visit for commercial?
  21. This may be old info, but Kingfisher operate(d) this for Myanma Airways. Probably nothing to do with it being here... Cheers, Pricey.
  22. Australia are playing Uzbekistan in a World Cup Qualifier on Wednesday. They all may be going fishing after they get beaten, though. LOL Cheers, Pricey.
  23. Hi Guys, Spotted this in YSSY this afternoon, too. Presumably for the soccer on Wednesday. Nice looking aircraft... Cheers, Pricey. [ATTACH]17867[/ATTACH]
  24. In Sydney this afternoon. Cheers, Pricey.
  25. I've seen the QF - quite right, nothing special. This BA one had some sort of marking near the nose though I didn't have my Binos so I couldn't make it out. Cheers, Pricey.
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