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Everything posted by Pricey

  1. Most appreciated Sir. Cheers, Pricey.
  2. Thank you Sir, I await your info Cheers, Pricey.
  3. Hi Guys, Can anyone avail me of the rego of BA's 747 in Sydney today? Sorry to be so trivial, had a friend on the flight and I missed the departure. Cheers, Pricey.
  4. Hi Guys, Spotted this one in Sydney this afternoon. Parked around near the DHL depot. RA-96018. Had engine covers on. Must be here for a day or 2... Cheers, Pricey. [ATTACH]17863[/ATTACH]
  5. Would be nice to see them back on the East coast, though...
  6. Glad you liked it! The Missus got that for me. She just started a new job as a P.A. and her boss is apparently good mates with someone high up with Singapore Airlines. She tells me there is more to come. I'll share what she can get... Cheers, Pricey.
  7. Hey Guys, Many thanks to Glenn for "coaching" me on how to get this on here! Hope you all like (if it works)... http://www.theaussieaviator.net/USAir1549DitchSimulation.wmv Cheers, Pricey.
  8. Cheers Darren.
  9. Well, I never knew! I should get down there in the evening more often! Thank you Sir...
  10. Evening All, Driving past this evening noticed N451PA at YSSL Cargo terminal. Any info anyone
  11. Hi siznaudin, No, they were definitely Fokker F100's. Thanks.
  12. Hi Guys, Just noticed on balus.info that UR-82007 is in or around Brisbane. Anyone know anything?
  13. That would satisfy my curiosity, thanks.
  14. Where's the pride, huh?
  15. Me too, mate. Thanks anyway Darren. Cheers.
  16. Hi Darren, one is painted in US Airways c/s, the other is all white c/s without nose cone.
  17. RIP indeed. Used to get so excited (as a kid of course) on the rare occasion they would visit Birmingham (Elmdon in those days!) Cheers. P.S. You at Brisbane, yeah? If so check out my thread re F100's...
  18. Hey Guys, While in Brisbane I noticed two F100's outside the Alliance Hangar next to Virgin Blue Hangar. Does anyone know what, why, how? I imagine they are both wfu's but do either have rego numbers? Can anyone help?
  19. Awesome. Thanks for the tip! Cheers.
  20. Brittania!!
  21. Hi All, Was wondering if there is a website for Brisbane similar to 16right.com... is for Sydney? With ACARS listing? Cheers,
  22. Hey Guys, There are rumblings afoot that the first 777 will arrive in Sydney Monday morning. Any details anyone?
  23. Hello my fellow ex-pat Brum...Spent some time at "Elmdon" myself! Bit before Thompson etc though. More along the lines of BMA Viscounts and BA 111's!
  24. This one has Abercrombie & Kent titles (if that means anything). A large white "&" on a blue tail. Cheers.
  25. Hey Guys, The DC-9 arrived in Sydney last Saturday under FL# "Convoy" something(!) Didn't see the DC-10 here though. Cheers.
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