Dear OT,
My Edge is still pretty much standard, Grey top 582, no front suspension and 'Fred Flintstone' Brakes. I was saddened to find out recently that a Cruze wing will not fit our Bases. I know [as you do] the advantages of a good intermediate wing. Knowing that my Edge wing probably won't pass Bettsometer next time, I am left with the old question " 2b or not 2b". Operating out of a home paddock with only local work I am leaning toward a Wizard.
No flying lately due to winds and work commitments, but this weekend looks promising.
Dear HPD,
I hope the fireworks occur above 5000ft.
Being in a tiny open cocpit at 6600ft with scattered cloud below between 2-3000ft is a cherished experience not to be given up lightly.
Dear All,
Hatches, Latches, Socks and Clocks!
All the best, Allowera.