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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. No doubt about it - be it planes or cars, the northern hemisphere is the place to be...
  2. I thought I could remember from way back ... single blade props from control line model racer aircraft ... Googled it up, and hey-presto! It's almost Python-esque to watch, but of course, deadly serious stuff.
  3. Let's hope the outcome is more positive than that from Burma/Myanmar.....
  4. Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof Toof ... :)
  5. REAL aeroplanes have two wings and round engines ... big round engines ![ATTACH=full]1944[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18483[/ATTACH]
  6. Brigitte Bardot was one who used to tick all my boxes - but at this stage in life, nostalgia has taken over... :rolleyes:
  7. Spotted this display item at the Mooroopna museum. [ATTACH]1941[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1942[/ATTACH]
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  8. Frank Williams is a legend: in 1995 Christine & I attended the AAAA fly in at Cowra: got chatting to the Luskintyre mob, & were invited to "drop in" as we were headed towards Sydney. We got a flight with Frank in one of the Tigers - loops, barrel rolls ... the lot. What a wonderful group of aviation enthusiasts. The place and the people have a very very special spot in our hearts. [ATTACH=full]1940[/ATTACH]
  9. I'll second/third the welcome Martin - & should you make it to our "Wide Brown Land " we guarantee the weather & topography will be more "flying friendly" ;)!
  10. Bloody Hell, doesn't that Bentley rotary sound really GREAT!
  11. FANTASIC ! Make sure to follow up with the other clips!
  12. Thirsty? Don't stress - I'm having that drink for you, Kaye ... great to hear it went well for you. We're just about to hitch up the trailer and head off. Cheers from Geoff & Chris
  13. One of the Antique Aeroplane Association guys used to have a Mini-moke. Bright yellow, rondels either side. Used it to travel to the various fly-ins ... dubbed "The Tiger Moth Simulator". Brilliant.
  14. With mention here of Shepparton, I take the opportunity to let anyone in that vicinity know that there's the National Veteran Car Rally occurring there from September 16th to 20th. If the vehicle (I use the term "vehicle" loosely) here is running (god willing...), flag us down and enjoy the experience of a lifetime at a heady 25km/hr. No seat belts, no helmets. Oh the thrill of it all....:rolleyes: [ATTACH=full]1934[/ATTACH]
  15. Have a drink for you Kaye? NOT A PROBLEM! All the best... X X from Geoff & Chris
  16. Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand: what is this thing called "first class" ... ? [ATTACH]1933[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18478[/ATTACH]
  17. Great stuff! Love the idea of the flight with 7 year old Raymond Bange (45lb) as passenger (in dad's lap?) And I see that the Bange involvement at Clifton continues to this day: fantastic! ... Zoeglings forever! [ATTACH=full]1932[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1930[/ATTACH][ATTACH]1931[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18476[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18477[/ATTACH]
  18. You can't help but appreciate the caption for one of the images ... "fear the wurst"
  19. Agreed: gorgeous ...and one has to appreciate the external simplicity of a sleeve valve engine, achieved via a certain amount of internal complexity...;) [ATTACH]1920[/ATTACH]
  20. I'll chuck my non-aviator's two bob's worth in here, and say that last year when we stayed at the camping/caravan park at the airport when on our way to/from a car rally at Ipswich, we were VERY impressed with the set-up: absolutely superb, plus the excellent av museum there as well... absolutely fantastic. Jeez Kaye, you must really be browned off - ah well, all in a good cause, and all the best to you. Plenty more fly-ins, eh?
  21. Excellent mathematics - thanks Peter. And for movies? I seem to recall that 16mm stuff was shot at 24 frames/second, so some of the Vietnam chopper filming still shows some strobe effect? Maybe we can apply the above mathematics to a 2-blade or 3-blade chopper..? It makes my head tired thinking about it:confused:
  22. Thanks for that .. chain well & truly pulled - but in a still digital image is it possible to produce a blurred prop? I've never been able to get one. Maybe have to use a really slow "film" speed &/or a neutral filter ...? Appreciate further comments on this topic.
  23. Long time back worked behind a bar in London for nearly 4 months and stone me, I found I was starting to pick up the "glottal stop" thing. Got away just in time. Here there is the upward inflecion at end of sentences (eastern states) - and the "eh", usually downward inflection, which I tend to associate with northern Qld. peanut butter cf peanut paste ... a sandwich of "four points" ... "fritz" cf "devon" ... all very interesting. Good point re the vocabulary cf accent - absolutely valid. It's interesting to compare our Head of State's speech change since the time of her (sorry, Her) coronation to the current day. Significantly less "posh" now.
  24. It was interesting to listen to the various Pommie radio cricket commentators make (live to air and in his absence) reference to "Sir Geoffrey" - in no case was it particularly complimentary. He is, as I once referred to Murray Walker, of Formula One fame ("... unless I'm very much mistaken...") - a PITE ... a Pain In The Earse.
  25. Keeping it in print would probably be the best thing then ... Yours Colonially, Geoff.
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