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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. I am unable to tolerate anything which Geoffrey Boycott has to say - with or without his b*#!*y Yorkshire accent, with or without his ego-filled opinion & whatever the state (currently dismal) of the Aussie cricketers in the test series.
  2. Lovely sounds! And here is LF363 at a somewhat less-than-glorious moment in its past. [ATTACH]1902[/ATTACH]
  3. Not a complaint, mate ... just a recollection of an old fart of "the good old days" of film technology. There are a lot of pluses - a lot - which come from digital photography, but the strobe effect evident here is not, to my mind one of them, and that is definitely not your fault. As an aside, it seems to me as well, that digital cameras are less able to cope with high-contrast conditions; I think the technical term used is "latitude", or lack of it.[ATTACH=full]1900[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1899[/ATTACH]
  4. Don't you just love the way digital cameras give that "feathered/barely rotating" look to props? Maybe some digi-guru out there knows how to eliminate it - and no, I'm not suggesting the Merlins be replaced by jets...
  5. Well it's not my trip, but we were lucky enough to be there in 2007 with a Sizaire-Naudin rally. A fantastic collection and a "must see". Some entertaining reading here... http://www.prewarcar.com/magazine/previous-features/flying-story-020599.html [ATTACH=full]1894[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18470[/ATTACH]
  6. How does the line go...? "he who dies with the most toys..." ?
  7. Still chugging along on XP and waiting in hope for the next MS OS: if forced to use Windows 8 I'll certainly be in touch Peter ... thanks.
  8. All the best with your career, Oliver ... we look forward to hearing of your progress.
  9. Forensic officer Red750, well done - and CSI eat your heart out! And now, rather than start a new thread and since we've got gyro's on the go here - if you watched the Dick Smith program re petrol at $10 a litre, can anyone tell me ... He was at the controls of 1) a Cessna Caravan 2) a very expensive up-market chopper (no name -I'm not into rotary wing stuff) 3) a gyro copter, and I seem to recall there was a fourth aircraft as well. Just how many flying things does Dick have, I wonder..?
  10. Yep - have seen clips previously of that one, but that's the best I have seen - the side-on shots really give an idea of just how steep it is. Wonder what travel insurance rates are for passengers...?
  11. Who's supposed to be "picking the photo to bits" then. Here then: "Because its ssoooooo flat you can see the weather (good or bad) coming from miles away." is what I was referring to: lighten up a bit, Newbs. My post was intended to be in good humour - for anyone who is not overly thin skinned. And I'm sure you don't fit into that category.
  12. Isn't that a bit out of character? The range of hills in the background, I mean... it is the western Darling Downs, after all!;)
  13. Grazie, Andrew...!
  14. Welcome to the forum Andrew ... I just had a quick look at aviazione civile and got a chuckle from this one ... I seem to recall that some airlines (in the Pacific region?) are instituting a charge-by passenger-weight system. I look forward to your input, as I'm sure we all do here in TAA "The Friendly Way" [ATTACH=full]1888[/ATTACH]
  15. "Military aircraft have four dimensions - height, length, width and politics." [ATTACH=full]1887[/ATTACH]
  16. Good find, Pete ... but what is about me and "failed" projects: TSR2 and the XB-70 are my top of the tree favourites - sex on wings (almost!) And more here http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/weapons_tsr2long.html
  17. [ATTACH=full]1885[/ATTACH] Yep - go to the top of the class, a Spearfish it is indeed.[ATTACH=full]1886[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18464[/ATTACH]
  18. I'll be so bold as to offer this one: good luck all:) [ATTACH=full]1884[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18463[/ATTACH]
  19. There was another airframe there Willie - no stepping over barriers (this time, anyway...);)
  20. Gawd ... what a temptation to drop into the Pub, eh...? http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/04/long-ago-a-pilot-landed-on-an-uptown-street-thats-where-the-bar-was/?ref=nyregion&_r=0
  21. And when we were in Qld for the Ipswich rally last year guess what I happened to photograph when we visited Amberley! [ATTACH=full]1877[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18460[/ATTACH]
  22. Dunno why, but Diana Dors' name (and other things) sprang to mind when I found this one...:rolleyes:
  23. ... photos of the aircraft of the RAN. Click left (ie increasing image numbers) from the initial image. http://www.flickr.com/photos/41311545@N05/4910097290/in/photostream/ But if your interests also encompass Aus. naval history there's plenty more elsewhere here.
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