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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. It's possible(?) that the a/c was put down when there was more of a sand cover over the rocky base and there has been susequent removal by wind action: dunno - it's a long time ago. It would be of more than passing interest to find out if a DNA check has been done on the bones found though..
  2. Can't find the original thread on this a/c but here's an minor update on its status. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222406/Dennis-Copping-Body-war-pilot-crash-landed-plane-Sahara-found.html The main thrust if you can't be bothered with the link is.. "The P40 Kittyhawk plane has been removed from the desert and locked in a storage crater in El Alemain. The Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon is in negotiations with Egyptian authorities to have the aircraft returned to Britain." I think they might mean a crate...:confused: !
  3. Great research work Willie - appreciated.
  4. One L in holiday, two L's in Wally. And twenty episodes, whatever that translates to...maybe two calendar years ? :confused: It would have been around '66 that it was showing in Oz? It's such a very looong time ago. “The Adventures of Hiram Holliday” was a half-hour filmed comedy/adventure series which ran for 20 episodes on the NBC Television Network (from 1956 to 1957). The TV series was based on a novel by Paul Gallico named “Adventures of Hiram Holliday” (1939). The series -- similar to the book -- focused on the adventures of a newspaper proofreader, who, through years of secret practice, has gained James Bond-like skills in many forms of physical combat, shooting, and in activities as diverse as rock-climbing and scuba-diving. Hiram Holliday was played by Wally Cox…"
  5. Whoops - misspelt it ... Hiram HoLLiday. Yes, Wally Cox, but it ran for a couple of years at least. I saw it on the small B&W screen back in the mid to late 60's. I loved it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048839/
  6. B Bring back Hiram Holiday, I say... (Hiram who?)
  7. This sort, mate...;););) [ATTACH=full]1813[/ATTACH]
  8. Good one, Willie ... [ATTACH]1812[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18418[/ATTACH]
  9. Yeah, I know about the supposedly non-political nature of the site, but even as a from long time back Left of Centre voter, even I can get a bit of (wry) humour from THIS ... http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/39710 "Enjoy", as the saying goes ... :p
  10. I probably have the same qualifications required for a ....... ....... dummy.;)
  11. Willie, I don't know how you get to chase up all this stuff, but I just wanna say yet again - THANKS. [ATTACH=full]1811[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18417[/ATTACH]
  12. Phew! ;)
  13. May 16 - A Jordanian Air Force Fairey Firefly crashed in Northern Jordan on a training flight killing both the pilot and trainee. http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/05/16/303846/jordan-military-plane-crash-kills-two/ A WHAT ???
  14. FORTY! you young whippersnapper .... but all the best anyway, and how's the real youngster in your family coming along, eh?[ATTACH=full]1801[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18412[/ATTACH]
  15. 1) I reckon he's had previous time in a chopper...? 2) It just HAS to be powered by Vodka.
  16. Fantastic site: thanks for putting me onto it - wonderful imagery.
  17. Is it necessary to "subscribe" in any way to download an image?
  18. Very nice stuff - quite evocative... :)
  19. Absolutely fan *****tastic! Twelve out of ten... [ATTACH=full]1788[/ATTACH]
  20. Good stuff - ethereal, almost - but I didn't get to see the green flash... ;)
  21. It just seemed that way Den ... look here: all four still on the tarmac! [ATTACH=full]1787[/ATTACH]
  22. "...the same experience as the earliest aviators ... no fear and no restrictions." Wonderful stuff - and as ever Den, your prose paints a beautiful (if a little scary) picture.[ATTACH=full]1786[/ATTACH]
  23. It's hard to imagine the courage and airmanship involved. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Chastise
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