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Everything posted by VHKDK

  1. Thanks for reminding me Ryan.:redface: When I lived in Mildura the 743s were a regular sight on their way to Perth. http://theaussieaviator.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2640 Here is a photo of VH-EBU when only a few months old. http://theaussieaviator.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=4162
  2. Makes me feel even older with QF744s and 763s being retired from service. Here is a photo of the soon to be retired VH-OGA when it was just a few weeks old. http://theaussieaviator.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=4161
  3. Yes the Westland Whirlwind, and it looks very different without the nose. The Swordfish does have the conventional tail though unless yours if flying upside down!!!
  4. Yes I suppose the Meteor would, but it was not the aircraft I was thinking of though. The lower case "t" was used in those days instead of the modern capital "T".
  5. Mine would be the Fairey Barracuda. I suppose a slight bias as it was British but with the T tail is was unusual for its day. It was reasonably successful but had some very nasty vices. A couple of links below with some photos. [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairey_Barracuda[/ame] http://www.military.cz/british/air/war/bomber/barracuda/barracuda_en.htm BTW who can name another T tailed British WW II aircraft?
  6. VHKDK


    G'day Greg. Welcome to TAA.
  7. On Thursday 11th of June I was driving to Mildura on the Calder Hwy. About 60km south of there a white tray truck passed heading south(10;30am). Looked like a council truck and I noticed what appeared to be a long sign with some writing on it. Took no notice until I looked in the mirror and was what appeared to be a Cherokee fuselage with a wing folded on either side. Off white in colour,maybe just weathering. If the missus had been there I would have done a u turn and followed it so she could get some photos.:frown: Now the question. Does anyone out there know of its identity? I know that is unlikely but if you don't ask..... :confused:
  8. Hey Mildura was only 1 week of the holiday, going to some more exotic locations to :) Such as Renmark and Robinvale? No seriously Robbo enjoy ypour stay in Sunraysia. The weather can be terriffic at this time of the year but also very cold at night. A great leisurely way to travel ,on a houseboat. Are you going up or down the river? [ATTACH]430.vB[/ATTACH] Photo of a B-24 over Germany with escort fighters above. [ATTACH]17900[/ATTACH]
  9. Very unusual to see a turbo-prop leaving a contrail. I can only remember seeing it on just a few occasions. C130H(before the Js came),P-3C and PC-9A spring to mind. The most recent was a Cessna last year,see link. http://theaussieaviator.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2675 Maybe you have seen pictures from The Battle of Britain with the dogfight contrails in the sky. Also pics of B-17s,P-47s and P-51s over Germany. Have to go out now but I will look some up and put up later. Can anyone explain why this is so rare? Robbo if you want to see brown contrails look at the "Its not a good day for..." on the recent threads. Going to Mildura for a holiday!!!!!:haha:
  10. Happened at Lake Hood,Alaska 7th June 2009. 4 people were on board the Beaver N915RC. Luckily the family of 4 escaped without injury as did the folks taking the video footage. As only pride was hurt I can say what a sad end to the Beaver. http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/aviation/story/822738.html
  11. Thanks for reminding me Cavalier of another experience with Qantas. Many years ago I was flying Sydney-Melbourne very late at night on a 763 which was nearly empty. On board were about 4 Ethiopian(I think) atheletes, here for a well publicised meet at Olympic Park. The crew spent most of the flight chatting to atheletes. As they say, you couldn't complain about the service 'cause ther wasn't any! Another trip with QF, Melbourne-Bangkok, on both flights I was put in the row with the fold down cot, which meant I had to suffer a screaming infant both ways. I was even left holding one of them whilst mother went for a break. Why allocate a seat in that position to a bloke?:rant: Thai were relegated from our first choice, not because of the service but the hatred of the MD-11. Uncomfortable seats and the smell of fuel in the aircraft on several flights. I have enough trouble getting the missus on a plane at the best of times.:eek:
  12. Tokens for the toilets? Lucky it's not April the 1st!:icon_lol:
  13. G'day Bara welcome to TAA.
  14. Strange innit. I am the exact opposite. Never mind we must have both had cabin crew that had bad hair days. I had a few international flights with Qantas and got tired of their rudeness. Now fly Singapore and find them the best. Thai are ok and Lauda were up there with SQ. BA were good too. TAA stank on my 2 of 3 flights with them although on one flight I was travelling with 2 very drunk workmates it was hard not to be tarred with the same brush. Ansett and Kendall were excellent. REX are now first choice around Oz. Flew Qantas return to Brisbane from Melbourne and they were good.
  15. G'day Taa Museum and welcome to the TAA forum.
  16. C.Donald Albury who flew B-29s on both of the Atomic missions over Japan and then for Eastern Airlines. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/08/AR2009060803955.html
  17. Wing Commander Tim Fairhurst who flew PR Spitfires to track down the German North Sea Fleet. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/military-obituaries/air-force-obituaries/5383834/Wing-Commander-Tim-Fairhurst.html
  18. Great report Coop. I was in Mildura at the weekend and I was going on Saturday but woke up to the rain and as the forecast was not good we gave it a miss. Been to Wentworh a couple of times and found it very friendly, as are all of these events. Does Eric still fly his Auster? Typical council. When you want them to do something they run a mile but when people look like enjoying themselves........ Anyway I suppose you cannot blame them with with the legal system the way it has become.
  19. VHKDK


    G'day Owen. Welcome to TAA.
  20. Thanks for the report Mr Wombat. How did you like flying in the DC-3? A little different to the 737 isn't it.
  21. G'day Wingnut, welcome to TAA.
  22. VHKDK

    Don Here

    G'day Don,welcome to TAA.
  23. G'day Mitch. Welcome to TAA.
  24. G'day Kat and welcome to TAA.
  25. G'day Ryan and welcome to TAA. Just gone to FSX from FS9. I have put FTX on and am enjoying the improved Australian scenery.
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