Thank you for all the well wishes, I've previously had experience in ultralights (582 drifters and 1926 aeronca), but due to the failed Rainbow Air at Rainbow beach some time ago, they lost all my records, or rather disappeared with them, and my 1/2 share in a drifter. I haven't been keen to revisit aviation since, but my mates at Barrier Aviation have a flight school and are interested in helping me to aquire a PPL, possibly CPL. I hope to post a myriad of pictures whilst it is all still fresh and new, but as always familiarity can sometimes curb curiosity. We operate cessna 172, 182, 206, 207, 210, 310, 340, 402, 441, piper seneca, cherokee6, BN Islander, Kingair.... I think thats all.... plus flying school and bases in Darwin, Gove, Horn Island and Cairns. I've been learning about MR's, AD's, ADA's, ASIC's, MTOW's, etc etc. I've never seen so many acronyms in my life, like learning a whole new language!!!