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Everything posted by 727engineer

  1. Handed my notice in, personal stuff is taking a toll on my quallity of work. All the best to those in the industry, might be back one day Thanks Darryl
  2. Handled a C130 for the first time yesterday, marshalled him in. Got the crew in to load it today and they leave tomorrow, noisy APU!!!! Pics coming....
  3. Do you think my drifter endorsement will get me some circuits?
  4. If CASA didn't waste your and my tax money trying to dream up ideas to over-regulate and already over-regulated industry, then we would have more money to pay pilots rather than the massive amount of admin staff. One of our pilots apparently can't speak english anymore according to CASA.... But if you dare to question them, they are empowered enough to drive your small aviation business into the ground, a power which they flaunt regularly.
  5. freight from Margaret Bay
  6. Most of the Qantas staff i know are on a great wicket. The 4000 hour jetstar pilots who want to hold @ 15 until they can see the ground don't deserve a payrise.
  7. islander in Mareeba
  8. Which Island? Who was it, someone in our company will know what EXACTLY happened, we have a base on Horn Island and one on Badu Island.
  9. Thanks Rick, It's funny that the only ones who are concerned about the cat1-2 cyclone are the media. we just drag our stuff inside and drag it back out when it's gone.... Pic of the Day, Qantas has a brand spanker Q400 just landed for the first time in OZ!!!
  10. Wet CNS approach RWY 33
  11. Now do as the engineer says, and get up on the tail......
  12. Deputy cheif pilot and pilot load the 402
  13. Was in your airspace today Ross!!!!!
  14. Short skirts??? I like the sound of that Maj, I'm yet to eperience that one!! We are ground handling agents for a large US company, so we get jobs like Opera Winfrey etc etc plus we have all the charter aircraft for passengers/freight that keep us on our toes. Can't wait to do my TIF, after I get my CASA medical
  15. Chunky departure from NTN
  16. Wow, I wasn't expecting such quality advice coupled to such rapid responses. I am very grateful for your advice, it has certainly put my mind at ease. apologies for the trike reference, I forgot about the weight shift catergory... I learnt to fly 3 axis ultralights in a 1926 aeronca, affectionately referred to as "rag and stick" by my better vintage aviator accomplices. I also had the privelidge of some time in a 582 wire braced drifter, which didn't seem to have the blessing of the aeronca glide ratio. The taildraggers seemed to require the bulldozer driving approach of steering, where one would use the foot moving forward as a brake pedal. They inform me that the tricycle steer requires a "go-cart" type input for desired result. It was with this information that a pilot (of who no-one i've met has been fond of or seeks his company) adamantly stated that it was almost dangerous for me to try and attempt to fly tricycle equipped aircraft. I shall now treat his advice with the speculation that it deserves, and march on.... Thank you kindly, Darryl Roper
  17. I've been told that it is really hard and I'll use my rudder too much in a cessna 172, has anyone experienced the transition from Taildragger to Trike? I've Put off starting until I get my DAME check and get some taxi practice in a trike....
  18. Not a good place to park Chief.....
  19. I once complained to my instructor that it was too hard to swing a 2 blade timber prop to start the aeronca, never again....
  20. Thank you for all the well wishes, I've previously had experience in ultralights (582 drifters and 1926 aeronca), but due to the failed Rainbow Air at Rainbow beach some time ago, they lost all my records, or rather disappeared with them, and my 1/2 share in a drifter. I haven't been keen to revisit aviation since, but my mates at Barrier Aviation have a flight school and are interested in helping me to aquire a PPL, possibly CPL. I hope to post a myriad of pictures whilst it is all still fresh and new, but as always familiarity can sometimes curb curiosity. We operate cessna 172, 182, 206, 207, 210, 310, 340, 402, 441, piper seneca, cherokee6, BN Islander, Kingair.... I think thats all.... plus flying school and bases in Darwin, Gove, Horn Island and Cairns. I've been learning about MR's, AD's, ADA's, ASIC's, MTOW's, etc etc. I've never seen so many acronyms in my life, like learning a whole new language!!!
  21. I've just landed a job with Barrier Aviation in Cairns, doing operations and Aircraft handling (global express, challenger, citation etc etc) My boss assisting start...
  22. The three holer goes to ground, no more bilge pumps!!!!
  23. My apologies, i wasn't aware there were others, I also had thoughts about "driftering" to Easter island??!! Great to hear it all worked out:thumb_up:
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