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Everything posted by metalman

  1. G'day , big difference in aircraft, rv7 to savvanah, the savvy would be a great bush plane though Matty
  2. It's on the cards, or the to do list, I've put a lot of apprentices through over the years( not all successfully though) and enjoy teaching and seeing people "get it" , just got take the first step and do it , Matty
  3. I wonder about the whole "taildraggers are too hard" thing, I am certainly not anything special as a flyer ,it took me heaps of time to get even slightly north of dangerous when I started flying them. But it seems that some people just don't get the time to learn and develop , either that ,or they don't gradually push their skills, not sure really. I was chatting with a fella who's got wet ink on his logbook TW endo and has bought a Maule, I offered to ferry it home for him till he got more experiance ,his reply was " how will he get experiance if he doesn't fly it" ,,,,,I thought exactly ,,,how does it happen,,I landed at Yarrawonga last year ,the sock was straight up and 90 deg to the strip, I had it so crossed up I thought the wing would touch before the wheel , deadset, it was the toughest landing I'd ever tried ( by the end of the trip I'd had plenty of practice xwinds everywhere) but I did it ,it wasn't pretty ,but I did it . If I'd tried that maybe 100 hours earlier though I doubt it would've been a happy ending, so the questions to some of the high timers, what would be the process ,or the progression ,to being a super human taildragger driver? What kind of conditions do we look for to build expertise? What kind of attitudes can bring us undone? What should we be practicing to build confidence ( as opposed to cockiness) ? Matty
  4. I use one all the time for refueling at my hangar, very good, I've never had water issues . I have the bigger one but I don't think it matters till you need to take it on a trip and don't have the spare room, I don't bother on trips away I just use AvGas Matty
  5. If he wants to "make" the numbers look right , bump the idle up a couple of hundred rpm's, that will hold the stall off a tad
  6. Dafydd, you had a fair bit to do with the Skyfoxs development, did they try the drooping flaperons ( like the kitfoxs) in the early stages? If so did it lower the stall much ? And how far did they droop them ( if they did infact try it) , I've flown a few planes with drooping ailerons and the loss in control deflection is more annoying than the higher stall speed,in my opinion. Matty
  7. I'd be careful with standards of construction comments, there's some pretty yucky photos out there http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2011/aair/ao-2011-126.aspx
  8. It's not difficult at all to prove spiritually where the plane is,,,,give the co-ordinates and when the plane is found there ,bingo, spiritually proved factually verified,,,,,my Indian guide was pretty useless on this,,,I put it to him but he had no idea what a GPS was or latitude and longitude ,,,,,I did learn how to make a nifty purse from a buffalo scrotum though,
  9. Good to hear mate, cause most religions are after something,,,money ,time, soul or submission,,,,,,,what brand if I could be blunt? Matty
  10. I don't know about God,,,but I'll ask my Indian guide about the plane,,,,,and where he gets the snazzy mokasins, not enough snazzy mokasins in this world!
  11. Yeh me neither,,,,should change it to muslim,,,,
  12. Got a leaflet in the mail the other day, said "You too can have sex at 82",,,,,, I thought , great I'm at 72 , I can walk home afterwards
  13. Not considering aeros DP , I may do an RAA instructor rating ,if there's an RAA to instruct with ,that is, and finding someone in the area I trust to do the course with . I know a few guys who are very skilled pilots ,tailwheel among other skills , that GA in this country would do well to have access their abilities, along with being able to do transitional training into experimental types, especially RV's , at the present this kind of training is happening now but under the radar ,I'm not sure how the changes will effect this side of things but it may open the door to this type of training being done in a more structured and safe way, Matty
  14. Isn't their slogan "we're not happy till your not happy"
  15. I agree,,we need spiritual guidance, while I was enjoying my morning trance I happened to receive a message from my Indian guide( and no, he does not make an email sound when he makes contact) the line was a bit crappy and inspite of all the foot stamping and bone jangling I clearly heard him say ,,,,,you need to wake up to your self,,,,,,,of course my wife took the credit for the message,,,,,,but I know better,,,,,,,,now where I put that new apple I-dreamcatcher?
  16. Another interesting point, it looks like you won't need an AOC to teach some design features or activities( aeros, tailwheel) or an instructors rating, just an approved PMI, that was the talk last year when this was "going to be law from 4sept" ,unless of course the law maker couldn't organise a sh1t fight Matty
  17. I started in a drifter,the guy sold it before I mastered it,,,will have to get into one again to have another go at it! Matty
  18. Looks good, I like the gear legs, real keen to have a look now! Matty
  19. Mate,,, I will let that go through to the keeper, because I'm simply over the whole watermelon thing,,,the majority has given them a big f**ck off!!!it's history !!!done ,,,over !!!and yep I'm happy about it ,,,,especially not having to endure the thrice daily press conferences ,,,,,,,,yep happy
  20. It's an option to buy second hand, I was looking for a used engine for my jigger, new was approx $22000, I ended up getting a 912ULS for $12000 with 187 hours, a 582 will be around $10k, but it's the TBO that's the decider for me ,2500 compared to 300, no contest,,,,,,I do have some mates with two stroke fetishes,,,no argument on earth would get them to change either , look forward to seeing what you choose and build :-) Matty
  21. Any word if he's heading to Nat Fly,,,,
  22. Oops,, maryborough QLD,,,,,,,but thanks for the quick reply :-)
  23. Hi all, anyone know if Russell is still operating in maryborough? Matty
  24. The only successful thing the left has done in the last six years is drive a wedge between our society, we are now either left /green/union/climate believer or right / capitalist/ill informed idiot,,,,,,,,I find it sad that we've allowed a bunch of politicians to divide our country, there are people that I would be embarrassed to see face to face over some of the crap I've seen posted here , yet ,say , ten years ago it would never have been a consideration, and ,regardless of which way you vote , it's a sad state of affairs when we put our political affiliation ahead of the people around us, Matty, ,,,,,,,LNP voter , anti illegal immigration , not completely sold on the climate thing , really can't stand the Green Party,,,,,,,,but if you want to enjoy a beer and a chat I'm a funny bugger, who loves aeroplanes and doesn't take himself to seriously( sounds like I'm after a date) ,,,,,,,,,and ,,,,did I mention I like beer!
  25. Those are LSA prices ,the kits are around 20k us, plus engine and panel. I really can't understand not wanting a 912 , better TBO better power, sure the price is up there but the resale ,if needed will ,be better and the cost over engine life will be way better,
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