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Everything posted by metalman

  1. I watched the sim segment and couldn't work out how thar related, agreed pretty bad form
  2. How do you get around copying some else's product , I don't know the ins and outs of patents but publicly stating you've copied someone's product is kinda dangerous I'd think ,
  3. I use mine in a Tigermoth ,,,gets pretty windy! DC 10-13.4 Matty
  4. Have a look at the kitfoxs, great STOL ,cruise speed and proven over many years , not sure on the cost but the latest model 7 is a top looking jigger Matty
  5. David Clark ,,,,,you can get them pretty cheap second hand and they're bullet proof,,,I've had three sets for eight years and never an issue! Matty
  6. Keep the passion going, you may have times when you think your not getting something ,but just keep going ,it's normal. I flew once a week and it's the best way to go if you can afford it,,,,,,and it builds a naughty habit of flying a lot when you get your own plane. A bit of advice one of my RAA instructors gave me when I was getting frustrated with something,,,," relax and look out the window ,this is meant to be fun"! Matty
  7. Hi all ,just tried to post about NatFly in the trips, not sure why it didn't work, just wondering whose going ? Matty http://www.natfly.com.au
  8. Agreed,,,,but it did demonstrate that "motherf**ker" can be used more often in one sentence than I ever thought possible!
  9. Lessons in life ,from a couple of hit men,,,nice Now if we can just get these motherf**king snakes off this motherf**king plane ,,,,we can finally get MH370 on the motherf**king ground
  10. Sounds like a plan, will have to tee it up for after Easter some time ,:-)
  11. Pardon my ignorance, but how do you take a screen shot and print it?? I'm not as familiar with this thing as the grandys are but they aren't here to show me David if you push the round button and the on/off button at the same time you should hear a noise like a shutter on a camera, have a look in your camera roll and it should have whatever was on the screen Matty
  12. Would this be your place???
  13. Cool, always looking for places and people to visit, I'll put it on my to do list, and keen to see your wing design , Matty
  14. I argued the point about needing an ASIC ,got shown the regs ,to exercise your PPL priveledges you must have an ASIC or AVID, sucks but that's the rules http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_90103
  15. those damn seat tracks, it was my first thought when I heard the eyewitness accounts,,,haven't had it happen to me but I do wiggle about everytime I get in a Cessna , Too sad Matty
  16. Nope ,I was attempting a sort of humour, I won't give up either , I'll just try harder for you, here's a smilie so you know I'm not annoyed
  17. Geez Aldo, two miles apart,,,,you should come for a fly in the Yarra valley ,on a bright sunny day the aeroplanes are like flies at times, if I'm tracking south from Coldstream behind the dandenongs I always go low, the flying schools seem to arrive in the arvo at about the same time ,same hemispherical ,same area, all on descent ,and mostly intelligible ( Chinese or Hindi accents are real hard on the radio),,,,,,,mmmmm two miles would be nice Matty
  18. I love the saying FOOLPROOF,,,,come up with something foolproof and the world will come up with a better fool! :-)
  19. Sister post on Facebook to get my take on the 777,,,,,, I very seriously put forward the possibility of aliens( with the required anal probing fixation) ,,,,cop a bit for not being serious,,,,mmmmmm,,,,in my experienced ,,,,I have no f**king idea! serious enough for ya!
  20. The mk1 eyeball is a beauty! if I was worried about anything in flying it would be loss of control ,it kills more pilots than it should, if you want to build your confidence and skills I'd be doing an aeros endorsement with some unusual attitude recovery thrown in, it will be more likely to save your a5re than more gadgets in the cockpit, Matty
  21. Mid airs are a concern, especially if your keen on heading to some airshows and flyins, but, in the realm of aircraft accidents they're not a high cause of crashes , I've had a few moments ,but really if your eyes are outside and your on the right frequency ( and it's not hard , ctaf for a ctaf , area for when your enroute, tune in as you transit to the local freq,,,,simple) the chance of a a mid air are pretty low, your more likely to have an engine out or stall turning final ,statistically speaking. Concentrate on learning to see other aircraft, not always easy, and learn to handle your aircraft well( including the coms) and you'll enjoy a long association with aviation, Matty
  22. The first 1h45mins will be spent on the dumb asse5 trying to find it
  23. Gunna be a hell'ova movie one day!
  24. I wouldn't want to be off the ground in that, the ARFOR down here wasn't as rough and I left my jigger in the shed, hopefully the video will show the cause, Matty
  25. About average height ,,,,with a face like no other
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