Mmmm,,,,quite a thread ,and we've yet to find the perfect aeroplane,,,,,,
It's all very subjective,,,lots of I wants and I don't wants!
So here's my take on it
100 knots cruise( and not 100 in salesman talk) but it's not on the top of the list ;-)
Fabric is fine ,I would rather not have a plane if I had to leave it out side( hailstones still hurt certified jiggers)
Taildragger , cause prop clearance in the afore mentioned paddocks is all important
Alloy ,sure ,but 4130chrome moly has been keeping people off the ground for decades
High wing,,with struts ,,,,no gutless strut less for me
Rotax or lycoming engines
Stall speed in the low 30's would be nice
Savannahs and 701's ,,,,I really want the plane to make me look good,,,,if it has to be the other way round we're in fugly town, and they're the only aircraft I've seen that doesn't look better as a taildragger ,,,,,,sorry guys ,just an opinion!
For me the piper cub copies ,the eurofox( although to get the cruise speeds they claim you run out of altitude at some point) , the kitfox's especially the latest variant , the highlanders, ,,,,,,,bit of a theme running here.
I've flown plenty of different types , and it's all very personal,,,,did a lap in a B55 Baron recently,,nice but even if I had the money I wouldn't bother, get to tool around in a Tigermoth on occasion,,,,the smile stays for days,along with the sore leg muscles( the rudder is so heavy compared to my jigger)
I reckon aircraft are like women ,,,,if we all like the same one ,,,she'd be bloody busy and it would be hard to get a ride !