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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Did a nav from maryborough to cloncurry ( via charleville on the return due to WX ) a few years back, 22 hours in a long weekend,,,it is a big state, in comparison I flew from Coldstream to Longreach and back via the coast ,43 hours ( not a direct track though) Matty
  2. Apart from the aircraft stress, I hope it was a short flight, cause a long flight with a heap of left rudder would get pretty tiring Matty
  3. News flash,,,,, Meanwhile ,,,in Australia,,,CASA is vehemently pursuing errant aircraft operators and pilots who have been fitting Go Pro mounts to the exterior of their aircraft,,,,the safety implications have the government dept very concerned
  4. Raising the cabin altitude would put everyone quietly off to sleep, just found out I have a connection to one of the pax ,6 degrees indeed Matty
  5. Had plans for a lunch at Toorradin ,decided to bang away on the RV instead Sad to see another loss, condolences to the family Matty
  6. Hervey Bay ,,,not a chance,,,ASIC must be worn or the storm troopers WILL be deployed,,,,Maryborough just down the road would be a great choice and there's a fairly big pool of people to source staff. I've just read through this whole thread, there will be many great airfields that will be too far for someone, Temora is a great field, so to Narromine, Mangalore has a lot of facilities but a pretty intensive training operation( and if you've never flown around with sausage factory OS pilots it's an experience to be sure) , I like the idea of RAA having a home on an airfield, it's probably more that it's a place we can call "the home of ultra lighting " ,but also having a central place where instructor and maintainer training can be conducted, our annual flyin can bring a focus to our sport and we have the option of going there easily if we want to. Coupled with the need to get systems in place to drag the whole lot into the 21st century, we should be looking to the future, and as it seems there's a changing of the guard( OLD) we might even see an end to the crap about the SAAA , just my thoughts ,but it might be a new direction the sport needs to move forward Matty
  7. Cant be more comedic than the circus "trying" to locate the poor buggers, bloody ridiculous all the speculation and rumours Matty
  8. Seems OPs normal for RAA, information via rumour confirmed in good time ,,,,messengers executed,,,,,OPs normal
  9. Mmmm,,,,quite a thread ,and we've yet to find the perfect aeroplane,,,,,, It's all very subjective,,,lots of I wants and I don't wants! So here's my take on it 100 knots cruise( and not 100 in salesman talk) but it's not on the top of the list ;-) Fabric is fine ,I would rather not have a plane if I had to leave it out side( hailstones still hurt certified jiggers) Taildragger , cause prop clearance in the afore mentioned paddocks is all important Alloy ,sure ,but 4130chrome moly has been keeping people off the ground for decades High wing,,with struts ,,,,no gutless strut less for me Rotax or lycoming engines Stall speed in the low 30's would be nice Savannahs and 701's ,,,,I really want the plane to make me look good,,,,if it has to be the other way round we're in fugly town, and they're the only aircraft I've seen that doesn't look better as a taildragger ,,,,,,sorry guys ,just an opinion! For me the piper cub copies ,the eurofox( although to get the cruise speeds they claim you run out of altitude at some point) , the kitfox's especially the latest variant , the highlanders, ,,,,,,,bit of a theme running here. I've flown plenty of different types , and it's all very personal,,,,did a lap in a B55 Baron recently,,nice but even if I had the money I wouldn't bother, get to tool around in a Tigermoth on occasion,,,,the smile stays for days,along with the sore leg muscles( the rudder is so heavy compared to my jigger) I reckon aircraft are like women ,,,,if we all like the same one ,,,she'd be bloody busy and it would be hard to get a ride ! Matty
  10. Some quickies involving blondes, Two blondes on opposite sides of a river, one yells "how do I get to the other side" ,,,,,,"you are on the other side stupid" A blonde is asked "what is closer,,,the moon or New York " ,,,,,"the moon of course, I can't see New York from here" To blondes walked into a bar,,,,,you'd think the second one would've seen it! How to confuse a blonde ,,,give her four shovels and tell her to take her pick
  11. A mate has a Cammit engine in his 230(I think) ,I'll be very keen to see how it performs,or doesn't , as I'm looking for more HP for a future project, Matty
  12. I'd heard the throttle stuck as well, I was on base when it happened and the RV7 in front ( and me) had to go around till they had the runway sorted, I've got YouTube footage of this plane landing at one of the lethbridge toyruns a couple of years back, damn shame it was a beauty , Matty
  13. Great day out,,,the high light( although I'm not really into jets) was seeing an F18 formate on a P51, And loved the Snipe, it'll be flying in the next few weeks,,,awesome Matty
  14. Years ago my parents had a mk2 jaguar with a leather sunroof,most of the roof slide back when open, I remember we where in one of the old style lion parks when a big male climb onto the roof of a VW beetle in front of us, my old man was straight on the horn to get us out of there, Matty
  15. Great read mate, looking forward to the test flying reports Matty
  16. Kinda, it's a bit bent, I'm going to use it for a template to build a better one, it'll get cut up and widened, lengthened and generally stuffed with Matty
  17. Not sure on the legalities, but they're a bit different in lots of little ways, the firewall, oil tank mounts, battery position, that's just the stuff I can think of( I have a gazelle fuselage in the back yard) . Not sure on the motivation to convert one but I'd learn to operate the taildragger, much more satisfying , and challenging. If your in the Melbourne area your welcome to have a look at the fuselage I have ,it's almost stripped down and easy to see the differences. Matty
  18. I'm heading over this year, just started getting my Aussie licence recognised so I can hopefully fly in . Biggest airshow in the world woo hooo ,I can't wait!!! Matty
  19. Is he local? I've got a few hours in the Ibis, my mate was the importer ! Matty
  20. Nothing to do with CASA is ever as easy as it seems,,,,1500kg will get most of the two place experimentals ,,,I've never looked into the DL medical but I'm sure it's not as sensible as it could've been. There is a lot more issues with these changes than just the RPL,,,,,DJP acro has been posting a bit on the changes that effect GA across the board,,,it'll be an interesting mess as usual! Why they couldn't just use the FAA regs here,,,seems so much easier than the euro trash Matty
  21. For those who haven't ,or can't , done the PPL this will open up a lot of options aircraft wise, I reckon the SAAA will benefit more than anyone from this , doing the training RAA then moving into some of the VH experimentals will be very easy, even being able to use all the load on the jab230(430?) would be a draw card Matty
  22. Did I miss something:insane: Matty
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