I would call that a stall and wing drop,which would be really hard on your head if the ground is too close regardless of the aircraft.
Oscar, I get your not that interested ,,,,but rather than post stuff that's either not true, plain wrong, of suspect source perhaps a bit more research,,,,I am interested,,enough to be building a six ,,,,and have done plenty of research, including having a face to face conversation with the afore mentioned engineer, flown a few different RV's , and scoured the net for issues,,,,and as ignition pointed out Vans have an extremely good system for making mods or SB's to their kits,,,,none of which are ever done quietly,,,as for an Australian mod, I'm on a few RV forums here and over seas and have yet to hear of such a mod with any endorsement from the factory( or infact without it),,,,and if you'd done just a little research you would be found Vans to be very active in making their aircraft safer,,,,