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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Will have to meet up at Tyabb, you flying in Neil?
  2. Prettiest plane on the block???
  3. I think they did a bit of a round about trip with them,,,went VH exp,,,,then into 19 reg,,,,in light of current dramas given the licence option I would've left them VH Matty
  4. Oops to late, he got to it already ! ,,,,,,,,maybe he doesn't want to be Irish , maybe telling his parents was one of the hardest things he had to do , maybe given the choice he'd be ,,,,Spanish,,even French,,,I mean why would he choose to be Irish ,,,,,,, Sorry I'll be off now Matty
  5. Welcome!!! Matty
  6. Very good advice to only give CASA what they ask for and nothing more, I've had kidney stones and had to have a CT. Done this time, I wonder how many clear scans before they stop wanting my testicles fried with radiation , this time I've had a joint replacment done ,so far the DAME was happy with no issues ,but I'm waiting for a AVMED letter, Matty
  7. As a lover of the low n slow flying( yeh I also have an RV 6 on the go) I find nothing more enjoyable than waffleling along looking out the windows, I know I can get my plane into just about any paddock below me, and when we're all swapping tales after most of the faster fliers haven't seen anything, I understand the desire to get there fast ,hence the RV , but just enjoying the trip is pretty good too
  8. True for many of life's pursuits
  9. Really keen to see these on the market, I'll be getting in touch to see if their will be one at Natfly, even a rolling fuse to get the juices flowing,,,,,,and it HAS to be a taildragger!! Matty
  10. I would !,,,,,,
  11. I would call that a stall and wing drop,which would be really hard on your head if the ground is too close regardless of the aircraft. Oscar, I get your not that interested ,,,,but rather than post stuff that's either not true, plain wrong, of suspect source perhaps a bit more research,,,,I am interested,,enough to be building a six ,,,,and have done plenty of research, including having a face to face conversation with the afore mentioned engineer, flown a few different RV's , and scoured the net for issues,,,,and as ignition pointed out Vans have an extremely good system for making mods or SB's to their kits,,,,none of which are ever done quietly,,,as for an Australian mod, I'm on a few RV forums here and over seas and have yet to hear of such a mod with any endorsement from the factory( or infact without it),,,,and if you'd done just a little research you would be found Vans to be very active in making their aircraft safer,,,,
  12. Such a sad thought Kaz, antiques will be cheap as,,,,but we won't be able to fly them
  13. I'd heard hopoate had his wedding ring stolen in the dressing rooms,,,,apparently some assh0le grabbed it!
  14. Things I know 1, I have a few hours in RV6-7's 2, I've done quite a few glide approaches in RV's 3 ,I know that ( regardless of the writer you've referred to) an engine at idle does NOT produce an airflow over the tail, in fact it's a big draggy disc, 4 , I have a real good mate who has built and test flown approx 20 RV aircraft ,I have had this conversation and he has dead sticked them with out problems,,,yes sixes and sevens 5 , in any aircraft if you get to slow regardless of whether the engine is going you should have adequate air beneath you,,,or you may die with the stick held firmly in your belly 6, I know the report your referring to ,it was one RV6 and one RV4( I think) 7, I know the writer of the report 8 ,I know he has been offered a flight in an rv6 to see what it's like with the engine off 9, as far as I know he has not taken that offer up 10, the writer of the Oz accident reports talked to Vans about the RV6 , and Vans didn't think one accident warranted changing the airframe( quietly or not , the RV 7 is almost identical through the cabin sides, only dimension changes) 11 ,the writer of the article your referring to is ,,,,,,who,,,,,,what makes him an expert? 12, 80kias is not the best glide in an RV 6 or 7,but regardless the elevator will work the same at 80kias whether the engine is at idle or not, at 80 it will be windmilling anyway so the same drag penalty applies Matty
  15. Not so sure about the RV6 opinion ,it was based on one crash in Australia where the pilot held the stick hard back and ploughed into the ground, there has never been any mention of a problem in the USA ,and there's hundreds flying there(thousands actually) , but the jabs certainly have a tough fuselage, Matty
  16. Sounds like a good read Maj, will have a look for it
  17. I've rarely bitched about RAA, and yeh I'm just one member, as I said ignorance is bliss,,,,maybe I should give the Internet forums away and just go flying,,,,,
  18. It's a long story , RAA incompetence caused a huge head ache when I went to rego the plane, I'm lucky I have options , I really feel for those who don't , bottom line ,I'll fly GA till the RAA is fixed or gone , Matty
  19. I'm not bothering to renew, I don't need to to fly my plane and frankly I'm over the whole thing, I would have to say ignorance is bliss ,till I started to get informed I was quite dumb and happy! Added to that the stuff ups with regos has left a bad taste for me, nearly cost me $35k because a d1ckhead tech manager gave me wrong info( not the current fella) , I know others who have lost much more due to RAA mismanagement , the Ibis debacle has hurt some very good friends of mine and I hope they have the fortitude to push further with it . I was keen to go down the instructor route with RAA ,now ? Wouldn't bother at the moment, and if I want to fly something with numbers on the side,,,I'll just do it, following the regs is optional in RAA anyway ,actually knowing the regs is optional it seems, Matty
  20. I've always had a thing for the hurricanes , not so pretty , can take a hiding and still get up, under appreciated ,,,,,I'd love a full scale replica,,, just need to wrassle up a bit of dosh and it'll happen Matty
  21. Bruddy brad ruck I reckon! ;-)
  22. :insane:I'll be there,,,wearing a red Skyfox , flying in Sunday morn Matty
  23. I've found my copy, I'm going to get some discs and burn some copies, unless there's a way to put it on the forum here so anyone can access it, Matty
  24. G'day, I'm a Coldstream local, if you see my little jigger around come up and say hi, Heading to point cook soon and then Tyabb the following weekend for the air shows Matty
  25. Dafydd, I've flown a seeker a couple of times, the last time I did some stalls in it( I'd have to look in my logbook to get the rego) ,it's the only aircraft I've flown that the rudder was totally ineffective in the stall, I had stick hard back, mushing down and you could go full rudder deflection either way with no effect on roll or yaw ,frankly I found it a concern ,it didn't want to spin but if it did I wondered when the rudder would start to work again ,I asked a mate who flys for them a lot if it's the same in a power stall and he says yeh, like I said I've never flown anything like it, are they all the same Matty Just found a pic ,it was VH SUA
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