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Everything posted by metalman

  1. I had an instructor writing an entry into the endorsement section of my log book for every different RAA type I got checked out in,,,a GA instructor had a look at it one day and asked who wrote all the crap in my book, needless to say it didn't happen again, I always thought it was odd, but being a low timer I just accepted it as right Matty
  2. I understand that side of it, but it really don't want to know of problems Australia wide, I've seen one school effectively shut down due to poor standards , the. system works , just doesn't make a lot of noise about it, on the other side , if a school gets a smack on the wrist and then goes about fixing the problems I don't see how it's being helpful to drag them through the public view! Matty
  3. Oldie but still bloody funny
  4. A hand painted willy,,,,,the stuff ya see at the markets! Matty Seriously though, hindsight is one of the most annoying things!!!
  5. Back to using rudder on final, when I was up home and flying the ibis gs700 you had to use rudder to pick up a wing as the ailerons drooped with the flaps and you lost a bit of travel in them, learning to instinctively pick up a wing drop with rudder is a critical skill that might just save ya bacon one day,,,,, Matty
  6. Geez Dazza, your copping it about your spelling
  7. A bit odd replying to my own post ,but I wanted to add that you can't do the fast taxi practice in a tricycle geared plane, hence the tail dragger is a good teacher,,,,it'll also teach you to say f**k,s**t and bugger a lot , Matty
  8. I've had a couple of dozen 4x4's over the years and have always liked jeeps, I've had mine for about three years without dramas, although I have a company vehicle so it doesn't get much use lately. I'd have a ww2 willys in a second ,almost like ford hot rods ,you can nearly build an entire vehicle without buying an original part, very cool old jiggers! Matty
  9. Or you can do a TW endorsement, nothing else will really teach you what those pedals are really for, simply, because it becomes extremely critical to get it right. The school I did the endorsement with had me lifting the tail and running down the strip without letting it lift off, you learn really fast , Matty
  10. I'm just misunderstood is all!! of course ME,,,,,if answered that any other way I'd be joining the fox in the hangar :-) Matty
  11. Bigger tyres are on the way, not sure about flat black though
  12. I have a thing for the unlovable and difficult ;-)
  13. Aaahhhh grasshopper, I sense a tailwheel endorsement in your future, :-)
  14. An STC to fit a rotax into these would be a real winner, even the UL engines seem to be doing alright ,although they're a bit expensive. Someone on this sight was doing a rotax conversion ,haven't heard how it turned out though, the cost would be a bit up there with certification but I reckon once sorted the customers would be beating a path to your door Matty
  15. Ozrunways is fine in my aircraft, no real glare issues, I also use NAIPs for WX ,flight plans , and last light ,dial AWIS and Aeroweather for plain English WX ( sometimes ,I generally just use the air services WX and decipher it but if I find something unusual it can be handy) Matty
  16. Sometimes, if I'm using the iPad for a nav I'll save the relevant ERSA and ARFORS pages in the iPad ,but I have hot spotted the phone at times. On a long trip recently I used a prepaid card for the duration , it worked well till we lost cellular signal out west , but the GPS signal wasn't an issue in the iPad , Matty
  17. I had situation on a trip where I could only get 91 octane ulp , I gave floods a call to see how I'd go using it in my 912uls, and whether I could use an octane additive , answer DON'T, I was putting it over about 30 l of AvGas and they reckon just don't do any high load full power stuff and keep an eye on the temps and it'll be fine, according to Wal(resident rotax guru) at floods anything in the oil has the potential to harm the gearbox clutch, Matty
  18. I think the obvious problem was the nut connected to the joystick was incorrectly adjusted,
  19. 600 metres ,,,1800 ft approx,,,,,,,that's a lot of runway,,,,even with half a bit lumpy ,I'm not saying anyone should go in to anywhere they're not comfy with ,but with a bit of practice 600m is plenty for just about any of our lighties. It comes down to getting in tune with your plane, it's nice to have 3km of bitumen in front of you but it can be restrictive if you never learn to short field it confidently , and as a side ,when the fan stops if your current at getting it in tight your survivable paddocks suddenly become a lot more numerous, Matty
  20. Yeh all quite calm, maybe a plane load of fatalists , seemed to be plenty of time to get out though Matty
  21. I was a bit annoyed when I couldn't go RAA with my plane ( loooong story) and went GA experimental instead,,,,,,feeling better about it all though nowadays, strangely I could now go to RAA rego if I wanted,,,,,but that would be just plain stupid !!! Matty
  22. Quite a story , very lucky , any heads up on the lotto numbers this week Matty
  23. It'll never happen, it makes to much sense!
  24. Hi all, I'm after info on the Wilton ALA near Picton, who would I need to contact for permission to fly in there mainly , and if anyone is using the field ,what's the conditions there( dirt ,grass lengths) ? Cheers Matty
  25. My thoughts too, minor injuries ?.. Wow, it's quite horrible to be a part of someone's last moments ,not sure what to feel when I see this stuff, Matty
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