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Everything posted by metalman

  1. I use a car wash and just mains pressure, care needs toy taken with high pressure machines as they can damage stuff ,I use a Perspex cleaner/polish I got from spruce USA . I have been told there's an issue with mr sheen on Perspex but I can't think of what it was Matty And baby gets washed every 2-3 weeks depending on the bug population
  2. Hi all ,I'm doing a bit wishful planning for when my RV6 is done, I've always wanted to do a Nz crossing and have a question, where would be the best/ most common first landing point once over the north island, and just opinions but what time of year would be the best for good WX enroute, I'll have the fuel to get to Lord Howe and return if it's a no go but from their onwards I can only get back to Lord Howe if Norfolk is no good , and the leg to NZ is the longest ,as I see it I'm over land for a third of the flight before I can land and refuel, unless there's another option further up the peninsular Cheers Matty
  3. Talked to a bloke the other day , gave up flying when Pip Bormann and Phil Moon died, I didn't bother reasoning with him, he'd made his choices ,but I felt for him, allowing fear to guide his life , Matty
  4. The actual answer to the original biblical question is ,by the way, YES!! Just saying! Matty
  5. Flying can be unforgiving of mistakes, when I look at some of these accident I realise the pilot was basically a dead man walking long before the accident, when we put a particular goal into motion we may have already killed ourselves without realising it. On a recent trip one of the other pilots started to get concerned about getting home for a meeting because the WX was deteriorating , I've not done this before but I liked the bloke, I stopped him talking and explained that his attitude could mean he was already dead and just hadn't arrived at the crash site yet, in this instance he was wise enough to know I wasn't been a smart ar5e ,and he changed his attitude, changed his appointment and possibly his longevity . I've always tried to go by a rule of three when flying, if three things don't go just how I think they should I go home, it could be an issue with the plane + marginal WX enroute + a late departure , I'm a PPL , I don't have to be anywhere that importantly Matty
  6. Wow your right, the newspapers will really hang the lot of us now,,,,,,,,this could be bad publicity ,,,,,,,,and for the record starting a new thread with a different name of a thread to somehow make it different to the other ,then publicly bagging the deceased is pretty low rate
  7. I had mates at the same flyin, came home a slightly different route with no problems, bugger must've been exhausted hand flying the old bird in IMC for so long ,
  8. Sounds like a common sense answer HITC , I've heard a lot of to and fro over this and it seems to come down to judging the motives of the potential student at the time of the flight, Matty
  9. I'd never looked at the aircraft rates at YLIL , pretty reasonable, I've only done endorsements there so the costs were way up there, sounds a lot better dollar for dollar there, do have a fly of a tecnam if you get a chance they're a lovely aircraft Matty
  10. I've trained at both and keep my aircraft at YCEM, I can reccomend either YLIL or YCEM although Coldstream is a more social club in my opinion , if your at YCEM and see the red/white Skywolf say g'day Matty
  11. Not so sure about extra regs, VH exp is a lot less hassle than RAA, licence issues aside Matty
  12. I wouldn't consider trying to be anyone's keeper, I would ,and have ,chat to someone if I think the holes are lining up and perhaps they haven't seen it, for me when it starts to involve non flying pax ,I will say something, when it involves suspect maintenance I'll be quite vocal about whether I'd go up in the machine in question. I don't think there's a one answer for every situation here , and for the record I love that as PIC I am left to my own devices rather than legislated into total safety, Matty
  13. Always sad to hear , but how about just this one doesn't degenerate into the norm, these are friends of friends and lets just leave it there for now ,,please Condolences to the families! Matty
  14. Didn't think of MAF they have a school on my field, Matty
  15. That's the question Nev, good advice? Any suggestions in the Melbourne area Matty
  16. Hi all, does anyone know of a mountain and valley flying courses in Oz, I know there's a good one in NZ, preferably in Vic but travelling isn't an issue, but I would like to source someone with a lot of experience in the hills, Cheers Matty
  17. I really hope these engines are a good ( better) thing, I'd have one for my next project if I was confident they're going to last,,,,,and really don't care if they have or have not breached some IP or copyright , so I'd like to know important stuff,,, like how much$$$ , what's the TBO, what's the warranty ,,,,I'd have thought these would be relevant questions , they are for me anyway , Oscar are you part of the company, will they be doing some promo at Natfly ,I'd love to have a talk to someone about them Matty
  18. Aeroplanes have been killing people since the beginning , and pilots that fly for fun are more likely to get killed than professionals ,it doesn't take much to work out why, there is a risk when you do anything and the only way to get rid of the risk totally is to stop the risky venture,,,,,no thanks ,I may die in a plane ,I may get killed in a car ,,,,,I may even die in my own bed ,,,regardless I'm going to die someday ,,,,,,so the big question for me "have I really lived"?,,,,,I appreciate all the "we must be safer or we'll lose our priveledges" ,but there will never be a 100% fatality free pursuit as long as we are still human and leave the ground! We can do everything possible to make ourselves as safe as possible ,but there will always be a risk,,,,,, Matty
  19. There's a Skyfox in the RAA mag for sale, needs work but at $10k it might be a goer, top little plane I reckon Matty
  20. B Bloody good shot, best I can do is a head shot, a 'a tap shot' ,impressive, won't kill the bugger but he'll think twice about getting chirpy around there again!
  21. The bride and I
  22. Very pretty plane, good that the pilot is okay ,always have mixed feelings when it's a rare plane, happy for the pilot but sad to see an end to something nice! Matty
  23. Mmm the Cessna howl, if you don't already know Zoos the noise is the prop tips going supersonic, you can quiten it by winding off a couple of hundred revs on climb, I love the noise but it does annoy ground dwellers! Recently was listening to a 182 meatbomber in our area and thought the pilot needs a bit of a talk on PR , climbing to flight levels full noise ,full fine is not good for the plane or the future, Matty
  24. I'd even given thought to a mosquito , all GRP , once the mould is done you'd have the option of doing more, there's a few planes that would lend themselves to the fiberglass replicas ,P38 , beaufighter ( twin rotecs :-) ). Nev ,the B17 rudder is big, was it a joint effort to keep it straight ,or hydraulics, I'm amazed when you see the condition some of them limped home in, it would've been a handful in good nick, loosing a heap of systems and flight controls would've been unbelievably hard work!
  25. I'd have to say that flying has been the greatest challenge for me, I've raced cars and motor bikes, the latter I was pretty quick at ,but adding that dimension of the air/gravity has had me wondering if some sort of latent retardation is lurking within me( please no offence intended) ,I can still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and turn a great approach into something that resembles a crash. The longer I fly more I have adopted the attitude of some of the 'heavies' pilots,,,," the aircraft made a reasonable landing inspite of my efforts to **** it up " , keeps me from thinking I'm better than I am cause strangely when ever I get to thinking I'm getting pretty sh1thot the aeroplane will remind me that it still has plenty of lessons to teach me! Matty
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