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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Hi all, can anyone point to where I can buy a choke cable and lever for a 912 rotax, I like the ones they use in the tecnams but can't seem to find one on the web. Other than the techie one has anyone found a good setup elsewhere, Cheers Matty
  2. Well I reckon we can fix it,, new avionics, engine bulk strip ,dry out the interior,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmm,,,,,,bugger, what's the going price per kilo for aluminium!
  3. G'day mate, what sort of aircraft is on the list? Cheers Matty
  4. Good onya guys, and gals, good to see so many dreamers doing it! Hopefully see you at some of the flyins around Vic in the next few months, if you see the plane in my avatar please come and say hello, Cheers Matty
  5. Interesting Maj,I talked to Floods about the low octane fuel , they say NO additives, I'll be putting about 40 l of ulp over 40 of AvGas, one suggestion was to keep the rpm down a bit , I'll have miles of runway and the place is pretty flat so it might be an answer to the low octane . It only at noccundra that I'll have to do it ,everywhere else has 100ll, Thanks for the sar offer I'll let you know ,cheers
  6. Hey Kaz, I'm taking the my plane , at 80 knots I'll get a lot of time to look at the scenery, and there's 3-4 other planes going . A couple of archer/warrior types ,a beech baron, and another one I think, we're going to start with AUSFLY first them onto white cliffs, noccundra ,birdsville, Longreach , then a couple of days on Fraser Island then heading south ,we are stopping at as many aviation museums and sights as possible. As for shep , I'm keen when we get back and I'll give them all a shove, sometimes people just need a bit of a push to go places , Cheers Matty
  7. Hi all, I'm doing a trip in the next couple of weeks from Vic to Qld and was thinking of setting up something so people could track me in real time , is there an iPhone/ iPad app that would be suitable , Cheers Mat
  8. And that has been the biggest problem ,,,,,very noisy forum users, with "inside information" or other dirt who are just sh1t stirring and have no intention of being part of the solution, I'm not defending the RAA they don't deserve it, but I'm also pretty over the crap that I read here.
  9. mmmm and this thread was about,,,,,er,,,mmm,,,,,oh yeh being a safe pilot,,,,,regardless of the aircraft wrapped around you ,,,and regardless of what makes the prop go round, being a safe pilot IS the bottom line, a plane doing an out landing where everyone walks away will always trump one where the body bags get a whirl! engines stop and it doesn't matter who makes them, some more than others but they all have the potential to fail, we on the other hand should have the skills to do the best out of a bad situation , as my instructor told me when doing PLF's ,,,"when the engine stops you are now having a f@@ked day, get over it and fly the plane"! Matty
  10. Mmmmmm, shall we get a list going? And RIP mr EAA, a great legacy for sure
  11. You'll get good at crosswinds down tooradin way :) !
  12. Hi Chris, I can recommend either Coldstream or Lilydale, I did an aerobatic endorsement at YLIL , and have my own aircraft at YCEM , I really like the airfield at Lilydale and they have a lot of aircraft, Coldstream is a lot more friendly with a lot of people around on the weekends just cause they can, they're will always be someone at YCEM to have a chat to , Hope that helps, cheers Matty
  13. metalman


    Gotta hand it to the guy filming, nuts like bowling balls to stand there as the plane came straight at him ,,,,,,
  14. Alright , a couple more suggestions, I have no idea what the cost is to display aircraft , whatever it is cut it to the bone , then give a personal invite to every manufacturer, importer, kit supplier, and every ting related to aircraft, its gotta be better to try and get $50k from 2-300 exhibitors than the same amount from 50. So far the flying is the big thing, encourage plenty of it, competitions, demos ( could be done as t&g's or a go round) give the exhibitors airtime on the PA , as well as a slot to show off their wares on the strip, I'm all for making it a Saturday/Sunday event with the other days as travel days. Have the judging for the different trophies done by Saturday arvo and have a display area for the winners aircraft . I've seen a lot of posts bagging the event , well how about we put it in the past, learn from it and see if we can't make it the biggest event in Oz, And just a thought on CASA, just do what you should be doing and a ramp check is a non event. I've got it booked in for next year and will be looking forward to it being a new start for us Matty
  15. Good to hear , YLIL is a great field, bit crap when the rain sets in ,but I love flying in there, I'm based at YCEM but did a bit of training with the school there. Have fun, and there's worse stuff to get addicted to!!
  16. I've been to two natfly's at Temora, I didn't go last time as I'm going to AUSFLY ,I'm just looking at alternating the events. I enjoyed the event both times but for me it's about people ,the sales stuff is good ,I like to see what's about ,but the big draw card is the people I've met on various forums around the country, I don't know what we could do to foster that but a few ideas ,having parking and camping in aircraft type areas, all the jabirus together, all the tecnams, all the skyfoxs/kitfoxs, it would let the pilots with a bit in common to get together , perhaps have a couple of mini flights to nearby places of interest ( maybe a 45min flight) and encourage the people displaying new aircraft to do test flights, for every dozen tyre kickers( or would that be three dozen) there would be a cashed up customer, perhaps have a couple of the schools on site doing TIFS and advertise that anyone can come along and fly a plane for less $$$ than a restaurant feed ,there isn't a pilot alive that can resist watching an aircraft take off and land, give em something to watch. And what about some sort of competition, our aero club does one a month and there would be at least two spectators for every pilot, nothing big just a spot landing or STOL comp, and having it on the Saturday and Sunday would give us a bit more time to get there and back .also keeping it as condensed as possible ,the years I was there it was pretty spread out. Another thought is having the AGM there, it makes perfect sense ! Well it appears I might have a couple of ideas!! Matty
  17. Damn mate that's is so disheartening,,,good luck with it all, it does make you think twice about taking people up!
  18. I'll send you a PM , thanks
  19. Nice, is he on the forum here? I might have met him at Natfly a couple of years back,
  20. Hi all ,I've been looking at the Kitfox website and really like the latest offering from Kitfox, the question is are there any in Victoria I could have a look over, or is anyone with one heading to AUSFLY in September , I'd really like to have a look at one and get an idea of how much bigger it is than the early ones ,or the Skyfox for that matter ? Matty
  21. I've read that 75 % of people make 3/4 of the population, I've also heard that 67% of statistics a made up on the spot!
  22. Stuff isn't exept from GST because its aircraft parts, there's no duty as such but if its over $1000 you'll get to pay GST and all the customs fees ,this isn't duty as it used to be , can't remember how much but 25% rings a bell .
  23. There a sh1tload of history on the hangars in the background too,sadly my teenager sons have discovered I'm a complete moron ,and there fore can't be worth listening to ,so it looks like a trip to the cinemas on my own,,,,,,,damn that sounds sad ,,,,,I'm not really that hard up for mates! I wonder if I went to a daycare centre and asked to borrow a kid for a night out would I get in trouble?
  24. Very handy Andy Andy
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