I wasn't actually comparing the two, you don't have to be in the SAAA to use an exp VH aircraft, you don't even have to join to do the MPC ,it's cheaper if you join ,but you don't have to.
If you go RPL then there's no class 1or 2 medical, not sure what a drivers licence medical will cost, and so for me my insurance covers flight and hull risk as well as a public liability component , for $1800 a year( it includes my RV6 for ground risk) so I doubt it would be cheaper if it was RAA reg ,and I can do the maintenance myself.
Rego was $135 for ,,,ever,,,, I have a couple of things that need to be done regularly rad 36 and 47 ( I think that's the numbers) but if you want to go into CTR then you need to have them in your RAA reg aircraft too, other than that I'm kinda thankful I got screwed around by RAA and went VH with mine, it's not an option for everyone,,, ,,,,,,,hang on soon it will be !