I've got a bit of TW time from a wide range of aircraft( wide in different behaviours) I've got about thirty hours in my Skyfox/Kitfox type and totally love it, I've had a few learning moments but I guess as long as I keep learning I won't be going backwards down the runway :-)
There is nothing like the feeling of a perfect wheeler ,do it in a short coupled taildragger,,,,even better,,,,,do it in a short coupled taildragger with a nasty reputation and you'll be grinning like an idiot every time you think about the little bugger!
I was chatting with a guy who had about 300 hours in his C185 , he asked another 185 pilot how long before he could relax a bit on final,,,,the answer NEVER, the moment you do the bastard will bite you real hard, taildraggers are great fun and super challenging ,even the well behaved ones, so go for it you will be a better pilot no matter what type you end up in!