Really want to get into this then, the cockpit is not much different to lots of low wing lighties, there is an issue with how the seat belts are arranged , but if you hit the ground hard in any aircraft you'll get hurt, we just aren't able to handle the G's involved.
As for the elevator story, the source of that has never stalled an RV , plenty of others have ,and they stall like any aircraft that is well designed to be sporty, I've stalled a few without any odd behaviour. A good mate would be one of the most knowledgeable pilots in Oz regarding the RV aircraft, I've discussed this with him, he's stalled them all ,engine running ,off ,turning, S&L and they recover normally. Of course if you were to fly ( or try to) any aircraft around at three knots above the stall you would find it quite a handful, 55knots? They stop flying at 50-52kias clean (49 dirty) ,,,a high decent rate would be expected, recovery is simply a matter of reducing the AoA and it flies again,,,,,just like most aircraft,,,and just like most aircraft ,if you hold the stick back the ground will arrive very quickly,,,,I AM NOT saying this is the case here, I along with most here have no idea what has happened , and would again say the blabbering theories is not only disrespectful to the deceased ,but painful for relatives and friends,