I've looked at the figures and both sides of the owning against renting argument ,and it makes perfect financial sense to rent until your doing a certain amount of hours a year,,,,,then I finally got my own aircraft and I have to say, all the debate is pointless, there is nothing better than being able to head to the airfield after work and just do a half hour , there is nothing like knowing the plane will be exactly how I left it, there is the nicest feeling of being able to just saunter around the sky without thinking of how much this'll cost, there is no financial reason for owning your own aircraft but I am lovin it .
As for a syndicate I reckon it's a good way to share the cost, but it would depend a lot on the people your in with, and the number, three would be about the most, and being crystal clear on responsibilities and expectations.
It also depends on what you want, you can buy a real nice older plane ( lightwing, gazelle ,drifter, jabiru) for about the same as a third share new aircraft,