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Everything posted by metalman

  1. I might have the wrong case but I thought the other occupant was a pilot and part owner in the sting aircraft
  2. Try the Hervey Bay aero club , one of the members owns a house at orchid beach, if its not busy he may look at a weekend stay, would be worth asking anyway
  3. I love old planes and especially rag n tube, but common sense ( and crap bank account) says warbirds are off the list, nearly bought a bent Harvard a while back till I realised buying it and fixing it would be cheap compared to operating it. Still one can dream, and then there's the whe replica scene , full size Camel or SE5a anyone?
  4. They have little tubes poking up from the filler caps into the airstream ,like a Kitfox ,seems to work okay with a bit of positive pressure.
  5. I really need to stop the fuel leaking, but with the doors open just one drip and they're stuffed again, I know Perspex is harder to work with but I've been told it doesn't suffer from fuel drips,,,I've got some prices coming back on a sheet of lexan and the same in Perspex ( grey tint) I'll also replace the damn O rings and see if I can stop that part of it. Any ideas on sourcing the drink bottle material?
  6. they are CAV110 1/8npt ,they came from aircraft spruce just read the blurb on them ,meant to be trouble free,,mmmm, I might have to drain the tanks if there's crap getting caught in them , I'm pretty careful with filtering the fuel going into the tanks.
  7. Hi all, I've had my plane flying for about a month, I've been running it on PULP exclusively . The problem is the fuel drains seem to leak ,I've replaced the O rings but it seems to be good for a couple of weeks then a slight drip starts( this isn't really the question although I'm open to a fix here as well) with the doors open the drips have completely stuffed the lexan! So, I need to replace them and I need to know what material will hold up ,I've been told AvGas doesn't do the same thing but I don't want to run the plane on AvGas. I also would like to use some sort of tinted stuff, so Perspex , Lexan ,Acrylic which one is the best ? Cheers Met
  8. I have a rule with aircraft when running, NO ONE COMES NEAR THE AIRCRAFT EVER, watched a fool load a family into a warrior without a shut down recently, it just takes a little slip or unbalance to go from an embarrassing moment to a tragedy. Had a mate start towards my aircraft the other day to say something, real quick HANDUP to stop him, and shut down the engine, it's just not worth the risk or cost
  9. Another time I had a spammer call ,,,,, Hello I'm rahessh,,oops Steve from bla bla bla What are you wearing Steve? Eh ,,,,I have a great deal on phones bla bla bla Steve I need to know what your wearing Why would you need to know that( best done with an accent and a head wobble) Cause if your sitting there naked Steve I'm not real comfortable having this conversation with you Er,,,er ,,,I have a shirt, jumper and biege slacks on That's good Steve and I don't want your phone plan! Like I say if I've got the time they can be a bit of a laugh
  10. I just reread that article, and I cannot see it written anywhere that a downwind turn will effect the IAS , ground speed ,yes turn radius ,yes ,obstacle avoidance yep, indicated airspeed nope Look ,don't want to jump all over you , ask your instructor, even have another look through the BAK, sometimes this aircraft stuff can be a bit hard to get a grasp of Cheers Met
  11. So just so I'm not mis reading your post ,,if a pilot turns with the wind ( a tailwind )his IAS will drop and the plane will lose altitude,,,is that what is written above,,, And a turn into a headwind will increase your IAS and lift,,,,,so enough of a tailwind ( not wind shear, no one has mentioned that yet) if we turn to quickly the plane may stall, please tell me that is NOT what you've posted, and if it is I'll PM you my address to send those welding rods( hopefully I can choose the specs) Just so we can be sure do you have any documentation/ text books that have this "teaching"
  12. Sure mate, I'm not your instructor so I'll bow out
  13. Not sure what type of folder you have but usually you adjust bend radius by moving the front apron or in some cases the clamping blade, if your using a press brake then modifying a blade by taking the edge off to give a bigger radius works as well
  14. I agree You should learn the basic principles of flight, once an aircraft leaves the ground it's indicated airspeed is unaffected by which direction the wind is coming from only ground speed differs , otherwise we would have to adjust our IAS depending on where the wind is blowing from, have you ever decreased your IAS by whatever tailwind component you have, or added your head wind to your IAS , that kind of thing would kill more pilots than turn backs do!
  15. I had the Microsoft scammers give me a call a while back, asked me to type in some stuff and then wanted to know what was on the screen,,,he spells it out in a bad attempt at the phonetic alphabet , I tell him a word has come up on the screen, write this down I say,,, FOXTROT,UNIFORM,CHARLIE,KILO,OSCAR,OSCAR,FOXTROT, went through him and two supervisors till I got one to read back ,,,,if I have the time I enjoy tormenting the buggers :-)
  16. It seems easier to do a a scary landing if your standing safely off to the side ! Really nice models though,
  17. Kyneton flyin is Saturday I think , and I'd vote for maj if I lived in banana bender land still
  18. Some of the Coldstream guys are planning a trip to a few museums ( aviation of course) starting at the Qantas one at Longreach and we'll be stopping in at Canberra, will have to see if anyone's keen to crash a 737 ,
  19. Love the Dak,,,,awesome
  20. Yeh,,,please go away just doesn't seem to cut it some times
  21. Niner! I know it's the right way but I've always had trouble saying it, all the rest I do fine but niner ,,I don't know, sounds a bit TopGun, :-)
  22. The Eurofox is a renter,,,,the sexy red and white baby is mine
  23. A whole sh1t load of penalty points(why can't they just call it money) a holiday with three meals ,lotsa friends to shower with and perhaps a special friend ,,,,,,,not worth it I'd say.
  24. Might have to get another one so I can fly the red hot new(newish) super D that now lives at YMMB, The security dipsh1t at YHBA was always over efficient in chasing down terrorists posing as pilots, the locals had a standard two word reply when he came sniffing around
  25. On a private property ,with the owners permission and the appropriate low level endorsement,,,,,,maybe,,,
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