Well, me Blighty bound friend,,,,you certainly know how to get a thread going,,,I like most of us would like to see alot of things done differently here but it seems we have an infestation of politicians that are mainly interested in getting re-elected,,,which I guess is the same in most western countries,,enough of that!!!
The accident reporting here is crap, and in light of countries like NZ that seem to have got that bit a little more right than us it only makes it appear more ridiculous! As for the funds ,,well ,we spend billions of bucks on stupid stuff here, the average person (especially those of us in business) just cannot believe some of the garbage our elected ones chuck money at ,so really that lack of funds would more correctly be misused funds .
I really can't see an answer to some of the issues ,even CASA is completely immune to government pressure, maybe the ATSB out of the goodness of their hearts would have a little look at some of our stacks,,maybe!
The bottom line for us is to build a culture of safety at our airfields, I sat next to a guy last night who had around 16000 hours, for me to "have a word with him about his flying" would be pretty damn hard( not that he was doing anything wrong ,just an illustration ) and for him to even consider my input would be humbling beyond belief, BUT ,we have to be responsible for our peers as it effects us all, it costs nothing to ask a mate if he's had a look at the WX radar as he's heading for the apron, it is good airmanship to stand back quietly while another pilot is pre-flighting(you may learn something, or get to teach something) it cost nothing to ask another pilot to pre flight your plane occasionally, might be amazed at what they find, the point is some accidents can't be avoided but a lot could be , in fact three stacks that resulted in pilots I knew in the last year could have been avoided if someone had said something ,but instead we got funerals.
thats my input like it ,lump it or use the ignore button