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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Something else I was taught pretty early on the ultralight journey was that the nose wheel is only for taxiing and parking , it is not to be considered "landing" gear. I can't think of too many lighties that have much in the way of strong nose wheels, even the RV's are a bit light on up front
  2. Google is your friend , when I'm looking for inspiration google is very handy!
  3. One bounce,,,,two bounce,,,hit the throttle ,,,,cause something's probably going to break on the third one, that was how I was taught, although when I started flying aeroplanes( taildraggers) without training wheels I found that the definitions change a bit,,,what could be called a bounce could be just "bit of a skip" ,just trickle on some power and keep the stick back ;-)
  4. I pay a bit over $500pa to use the field and then hangar age on top of that, that's Coldstream
  5. Personally I'd finish the GFPT it's a big of a milestone in the GA journey and then go RAA if needed, if your close enough to take the test then I'd do it. It may be just me but I hate leaving stuff half done. Also I own a Kitfox type ( same size as a Gazelle) and at 6'3"and 115 kg I fill it up pretty well but it's still comfy enough and I can use the controls to their extents, good luck
  6. Funny,,,hehehehehe
  7. So it's all about the size of the plane ,not how you use it,,,,,explains why 747 drivers seem to do better than dash 8 pilots,,,,,and I have to be content with just the one wench,,,,
  8. I'll be there, would have to be the best flyin I've been to, I was taking a Tigermoth , but the forecast for Sunday is a bit crap, not the best plane for marginal WX, haven't got the test hours off my " jigger" so I'll be renting the eurofox again !
  9. Nice spot, I've been in there a few times ( lived in the area for 20 years) ,a bit of advice , regardless of which way you takeoff turn over the beach , make sure you are at rotate speed around half way , there's been a few hit the trees at either end, and have a good look at the water near Indian head , there's the biggest manta ray I've ever seen living there , there's also the odd shark off the eastern beach.
  10. I was actually taught to do all my run ups and checks at the hold point,,,,,I soon had that behaviour knocked out of me as soon as I went up with another school,,,my first instructor taught me a few dumb ar5e things that have had to be unlearned !
  11. This is a thread about picking up a stray bird!!!
  12. Yep ,today
  13. Well me and my "jigger " are happy to give you a giggle
  14. Nearly cleaned up an eagle on Sunday ( or perhaps he nearly cleaned me up) I saw it in time but it really does give cause for concern, the bugger would've torn my little jigger apart! Also the link goes to some Asian ad for iPads ,don't often squeal to the moderators but how about it ?
  15. The eurofox has one, really handy for putting phones and stuff that you need in flight, the RV's have provision for one aswell , very handy
  16. Lilydale and Coldstream are both at the end of one train line, YCEM uses a tecnam and YLIL uses jabirus ,
  17. I haven't actually based it on anything but I guess after flying it and seeing the things that need changing it'll end up being similar to other aircraft ,humans are all pretty much similar after all. I'm making a few bits out of carbon fibre to try and get the weight down a bit too, hopefully get it down under 300kg (320 ATM), aswell as working on my fat ar5e !
  18. No mate ,I meant a failure of the electronic toys, I doubt they'd accept that as a valid VCA excuse,,,,engine failure ,or any airframe or PAX emergency I'd do WHATEVER is needed regardless of lines on a map
  19. I've started the test flying on my experimental Kitfox type, I discovered after flying it there's a a few things I'd do differently ,stuff that doesn't show up till you have to actually sit in it and use everything, so here's my panel mark 2 ,I'm going to experiment with carbon fibre and will get it cnc router cut. Just thought I'd share where I'm up to with it, and it really is a sweet aircraft , I've got a few hours in a Eurofox and when I've got a bit more time in the Skywolf ( yeh that's its name ) I'll do a bit of a comparison
  20. Cool thanks Dave, had a good read, do you know where the definition( in CASA speak ) is for a recognised aircraft Where can we find a draft of part 61? Found it ;-)
  21. That is planned track, if your plan puts you inside a control zone on the +- then you need to plan further out, it's interesting with GPS use( and tablets) that we can fly very accurately up to the edges ,but imagine a power failure as you skirt the edge of the line on the screen, could see you ending up in a VCA very quickly
  22. Where would I find the reference that states that RAA aircraft are not recognised or registered, I have heard this before but it was " in the opinion" of someone at CRASHA but no reg was quoted, I'd like to see it if possible
  23. Yep mines fine
  24. I'm planning on going to the flyin, the federal bloodbath will have to happen without me!
  25. PPL with airspace endorsement , radio, certified engine, not sure if the RPL is happening yet but might be allowed although the class 2 medical is a part of the PPL bit not the RPL
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