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Everything posted by metalman

  1. You'll find in aircraft like mine that have no drag producing bits side slipping is very much the only trick in the bag, I regularly practice seeing how close I can get to the end of the runway at around 6-700 agl and still land it fairly short. I once tried a sideslip in a Tigermoth to lose a bit of height ,it worked spectacularly , so much I had to use gobs of power to just make the strip,,,,slipping a very draggy aircraft will result in an enormous rate of descent . I wasn't taught to much on slipping ,so pretty much went high and played around with it, that and getting some spin training would be my recommendation all with an instructor , Matty
  2. I read the heading and was going to post something smart ar*s, but after reading the post you've got some good ideas , until we moved to Melbourne I rarely went into controlled airspace so I was really out of my comfort zone when I started doing it more often , the read back checker would be a great one if you could get it doing the word recognition , the phraseology is standard here so if you get it wrong you have to read back tiill it's right , good luck with it Matty
  3. For me ,I err on the side of caution, in my plane I cruise at the top of the green, always ,on bumpy days ( I don't fly on any day with a turbulence SIGMET) I'll pull it back to 70-75 kias , and if it takes me a bit longer to arrive I can "live" with that, I've got plenty of hours in tecnams and I fly the same if it's bumpy I stay in the green ,infact I can't think of a plane I'd fly that I wouldn't treat this way. I usually estimate VA and then try to knock a bit more off ( the difference between light and heavy in my plane is pretty small , 60-70 kg ) it but having seen the Cessna info with a 15kias difference between light and MTOW I'll be taking a bit more interest in having an accurate number. Matty
  4. Got notification that my Aussie PPL is verified , M4 Maule is booked, we leave next Saturday for San Francisco ,then niagra falls, then Detroit on on the Oshkosh , getting a little excited now
  5. My instructors did, every flight is treated as serious, Matty
  6. I really don't know how the currents work in that part of the world but you would think something would've floated to shore somewhere by now, it really is a mystery, made more strange because our technology appears so ironclad ! Matty
  7. Interesting how people react to stuff, I went back and looked at all my "likes given" and I couldn't find any "unhelpful" ones,,,,mostly I do like to voice my opinion about something so for me just tagging something just seems pointless ,,,,,, Although I have asked for a "what a d**khead" button on more than one occasion ,,,,,,,,I'd probably be guilty of hitting the sucker a bit to much though ;-) Matty
  8. I was trying to take off on a very soft sticky surface, I started to nose over and went to pull the power, it started looking worse so I instead went full noise and the response was almost instant , the elevator started working and I got all the control I needed , pretty dicey and hard on the undies Matty
  9. The dreaded brain fart,,,,,,
  10. Works fine for a brief fix, and in an aircraft where the brakes usually don't get the same use as a car it would be good to get home, I remember as a first year apprentice being told by a tradesman that hot water works best,,,,,but it has to be hot ,once it cools it's no good ,,,,,,, Matty
  11. I doubt you could see much out over the nose in that aircraft on final , damn shame to see something so rare banged up, Matty
  12. I think the 180's had smaller tail surfaces as well, not that it would matter here, could've been the size of the main wing and it would've still gone ar5e up Matty
  13. That'll learn ya !
  14. It was a STOL competition I believe,,,,,he won ,as no one else was willing to drive the vertical fin into the ground to aid braking
  15. Bruce I can only answer as to my experiance, the rego for my plane was $135 for life , and my costs for a PPL is a medical every two years $200 approx. I have it insured with QBE via the SAAA which includes flight risk ( as well as my RV6 I'm building for ground risk) for $1600 per year ,this also has a PL component . The main reason I went with VH experimental was after I'd been told by Steve Bell that I would have no issues registering my aircraft ( it uses some components from a certified airframe) I came to rego time only to be told RAA wouldn't rego it,,,so as there's provision in the regs to go VH ,and I had a PPL , I went that way, and to be honest I much prefer having it in GA , maybe one day if I think of selling it I may put it into RAA reg but for now I'm lovin XWV , I can do all my own maintenance, and for me personally I'm happier not being a part of RAA , possibly in the future but for now I'm happy, Good luck with the UK PPL ,and if your in the Melbourne area I'd be happy to meet up and say g'day sometime, Matty
  16. I purposely refrained from doing maths before I built my plane, it would've been to depressing. As for a certified aircraft ,I couldn't afford one if I was totally honest, but with VH exp I can drop a lot of the costs ,no hiring out but I doubt the profit ( hahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ) would offset the maintenance costs. I still have a bit done at our local LAME , but most of the work is done by me. I've had all kinds of fun machines and have never sat down to see if I can afford them, I have a good idea of what I can afford though, I just buy what I can then work hard enough to pay for it ,,,,,and I NEVER borrow money for toys , always save up and own them, Matty
  17. It's normal written as 51% owner built! it's just a way of stating the major portion has been built by the builder . The FAA had a go at the kit suppliers a while back to determine if they were really leaving 51% for the builder to do, which does make you wonder when you see how much is done in the quick build option with some kits, Matty
  18. As far as I know once you've registered and flown in VH experimental you could legally go into RAA reg as long as it meets the weight and stall requirements , As for the SAAA ,I'm a member but (although it would be helpful with the right people around you) you don't have to be a member to build a plane, I didn't join till it became a cheaper option to join and do the MPC . I now have some fuel cards via SAAA and have to maintain my membership to enjoy the benefits , besides the mag is pretty good Matty,
  19. Something that is often not known is that you do not have to belong to any organisation to build your own aircraft, although it may be a good idea to! The SAAA have a very comprehensive "kit" for registering GA experimental ,which in my opinion is the better way to go if you have a PPL, the rego is less ( one fee for life ) and there's not as many restrictions on the use of the aircraft, RAA comes with a few restrictions along with a yearly cost of rego and RAA membership . There is no difference in the cost of maintenance and periodics ( inspite of RAA pilots not doing the required Ints8 and rad47) . Not sure why SAAA didn't get back to you but you could give our tech guy a call as he is very handy regarding both options, Matty
  20. Nice weather in SA today? Its sad that often the accident investigation will be done under blue skies, RIP aviators And NAIPs for me, I made the mistake of ignoring a severe tubulance SIGMET, up in Qld it would've meant it was a bit bumpy, around the ranges near Melbourne a very different problem, after a few "moments " I very slowly returned home and put it in the hangar, Matty
  21. It must be standard for student pilots, my instructor suggested calling out rego plates in the phonetics, all my kids and missus learned it at the same time, I also was doing inbound calls to where ever I was driving to ,it really helps. Matty
  22. Started off on cruise speeds, then an error crept in and we got a heap of attitudes on altitudes which has got us onto cruising at altitudes with the right attitude ,,,,we are now looking at the regs on altitudes while cruising regardless of our attitude ,until we cop a huge fine ,,,then we'll see some attitude regardless of the altitudes,,,,,,,,got it! Matty Yeh I'm here to help,,,,you can thank me later!
  23. I'll plan on getting there on Friday, will camping under wing be a goer? Matty
  24. Watched a guy do a circuit on Sunday ,all the circuits here are to the east to stay out of a jump zone and keep clear of lilydale ( who do theirs to the west) ,well old mate does a normal left hand circuit which proved 1/he hadn't rung for permission, 2/ read the notams on the website re local procedures,,,,,but the thing was he tootled off through the drop zone and at circuit height for two airfields ,,,my ATPL mate made the comment he was probably using the "big sky" theory,so if you happen to see a red and white RV 7a ( with a training wheel) in the Melbourne area be aware he is not expecting you to be where he is ,,,,regardless of where that might be, Matty
  25. In light of recent behaviour in Iraq ,maybe there is a rather large flying bomb sitting in a hanger somewhere ,,,waiting,,,waiting, Just a thought , Matty
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