Can't argue with any of that,,,but everytime time someone says ,"RAA is stuffed I'm not going " it spreads like a cancer, sure there's problems but not one single problem you mentioned stopped me or the hundreds of others who went from actually going, and having a great weekend,,,,but focusing on the problems ( or the past) stopped plenty,,,and if pilots boycott the events they will cease to exist,,,I'm not very vocal on the political side of RAA issues , but to sit at home because of that part of it isn't healthy doesn't make sense to me ,especially while there's a serviceable aircraft sitting in a hangar just begging to be flown somewhere.
Discuss the problems all you like ,,,,but be aware that in doing that those discussions will become part of the reason Natfly may fail to exist , or we can all acknowledge there's a problem but still go flying .
One of the major differences to the flying scene in the last ten years that has had an effect on this event more than any other ??? This forum( I'm not picking on Ian Baker either) , there have and will always be political problems, but this forum has been responsible for bringing it all out into the light, now that's NOT all bad, it had to be done ,and hopefully we will still be able to have an RAA in the future, but the flip side is that it has been bad for morale, and that will kill this event quicker that a shoddy board member . Maybe a very honest poll on why pilots didn't go, because everything else aside WE ,US ,ALL OF US, make these events worth going to ,,,,and if we don't bother going then we all loose out,,,,,