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Everything posted by Zordah

  1. I'm 43 and have done 17 hours of training so far. Haven't been up for a few months though to let the finances recover :/
  2. Definitely keep writing, I'm really enjoying your postings. I'm currently learning in a Cessna 150 and getting close to my first solo I think...*gulp*
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm on my way towards my private license and recently got into learning Wordpress so I thought I would put together a blog on my journey to learn to fly. http://www.learningtoflyinaustralia.com/ Hopefully you don't mind me posting a link to it here but I would like some feedback if anyone is interested. If not, it's OK, I just felt like sharing... So far I'm up to doing circuits so I'm pretty new but enjoying it immensely Still seems like a loooong way to go to get my private license. Peter
  4. Good luck Sam. I'm from Brisbane south and only recently started myself. I've had 5 lessons so far and enjoying it heaps!
  5. Yup, definitely hooked. Up to lesson 5 now and loving it. Can't wait for the weekends to roll around to do another lesson :biggrin:
  6. I purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator X (gold edition) and a good joystick for about $100. It's good for getting in some practice between lessons and even has a flight school section which has been pretty close to what is taught at the flying school I am attending. Good reinforcement value. The plane in FSX is a Cessna 172 which is a little different than the 150 I am learning on but its still good practice in reading the instrumentation. I had a go at installing a Cessna 150 in it but the gauges came out all screwy. Oh well, I will mess with that later :redface:
  7. Yes, Steve was the instructor for my first lesson :biggrin: Great guy, felt very comfortable with him
  8. Heh Wingnut, my wife is already complaining about the cost - I don't think I could sneak another addiction in as well :rolleyes:
  9. Southside - Runcorn
  10. Had my first lesson this morning at Gil Layt's in Archerfield. It was AWESOME! I think I am hooked now...
  11. Cool - Is it USA focused or are places in Australia (Brisbane area in particular) covered as well?
  12. Thanks for the replies but I have decided to go the GA route since I live not far from Archerfield airport so a GA school is very convenient to me. I did check out a RA school in Caboolture but it wasn't THAT much cheaper per hour and I had to travel most of an hour to get there. I have my first lesson booked for Saturday morning
  13. So they don't pay you to fly but give you a travel allowance that you just happen to use to fly yourself there? Neat :biggrin:
  14. Thanks Michael, I'm based in Brisbane but it looks like I cannot find an RAAus school anywhere close by. Might just have to go the GA route instead. Seems the hardest part of learning to fly is finding a flight school!
  15. Well that's a good start... I tried calling Nick from Australian Pacific Aviation on all 3 numbers listed on his sparse website and couldn't get through to anyone at all. Michael, Do you know of any others around the Brisbane area or are all of them listed in the raa.asn.au website?
  16. Thanks. This is the sort of reply I was looking for.
  17. Another silly question :) Would there be any benefit to a REAL pilot to the flight sim software like the Microsoft Flight Simulator software? Is it worthwhile to purchase or is it just a game purely for entertainment?
  18. Probably a silly question and not intending to start a flame war... (posting here to get the GA opinions) I want to learn to fly as quickly and cheaply as possible and be able to take passengers on short joy flights. One of my long term goals however is to be able to fly myself to Cairns from Brisbane. Is it worthwhile to start with RA-Aus and then later on go for a GA licence or just go straight for a GA licence instead? The RA-Aus websites all claim that the hours count towards the GA but is this correct in practice? It's just so confusing to know where to start and not waste my time/money 'going down the wrong track'.
  19. OK thanks, that's given me a few extra leads to follow up on :)
  20. I'm looking for a school/organisation to learn to fly with in the Brisbane area and wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I don't particularly want to travel all the way to Boonah or Gold Coast. Only ones I can find are RQAC and Gill Layt's.
  21. Hey all, I've recently acquired an interest to learn to fly (yes I'm so new I haven't even piloted anything yet) and found my way to this forum. I'm 42 so probably too old for a commercial licence but interested in flying friends and family around on a private licence. Any tips on some good learn to fly schools in the Brisbane area?
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