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aerotech 72

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  1. yes the super hornet is the replacement for the pig ( and possibly the classic hornet if the f35 doesnt eventuate). Doesnt have the range that the pig had due to much less internal fuel capacity. The tornado has a small internal tank so it doesnt have the range either, plus they are getting a bit old now too. But with the MRTT capability our inflight refuelling capability has grown.
  2. not quite BNE but Aviation Specialists in Toowoomba do great work. Al McVinish has a great hangar and top qual engineers.
  3. Where do you guys go for lessons now? Goulburn? I have a friend in CBR who is affected by the closure too.
  4. love that show. Especially the incidents that involve maintenance errors. (like using a forklift to install engines on DC-10s) or taping over pitot and static ports and forgetting to take it off!
  5. Its definetely going to be a sad day indeed the last time a pig takes to our skies. I spent a few years conducting deep level maintenance on the old girl and will surely miss that sound and lets not forget the "dump and burn". A sight to behold.
  6. Hi siznaudin, hows things? AME - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. Not Licenenced yet but working towards it on A330 AIRFRAME/ENGINE.
  7. Hi guys, I ma BNE based AME and I just joined the forum and looking forward to some friendly conversation with likeminded aero enthusiasts who dont have a "I know more than you" attitude.
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