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Mike Brady

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Everything posted by Mike Brady

  1. Great he avoided the childcare centre.
  2. Beaver or Caravan? Weather seemed OK. So sad.
  3. As an engine guy I am really interested in the Fuel Control Unit and prop control on your engine as these are core to the challenges to be overcome in turboprop and turboshaft engines if they are to have practical application. That is a fixed pitch propellor which is unique/uncommon on a turboprop. The FCU will have a big job to do. Really interesting.
  4. Can one of the operators please advise the cruise rpm on the 4 cylinder D Motor
  5. Its a Brumby?
  6. It would be really interesting to learn more about those CriCri mini turbines in the opening photographs. Anyone have any details?
  7. How about ensuring that the aircraft is correctly earthed before refuelling; or am I missing something here? Are the plastic tanks the issue?
  8. Aviation GPS software I have spent a lot of time looking into this and with help from a fellow flyer (and IT professional Programmer) have selected the Pocket FMS system. It can be downloaded from their non profit site for a nominal fee. The developers are based in Netherlands. There is an active users forum for support and advice. The system is in it's fourth generation and is far ahead of any other downloadable capability for the price. It seems most users are in USA and Aus. It is a mature and stable system and is developed by pilots for pilots. Downloaded on to a 4GB memory card and inserted into a Mitac Mio 520 (which we bought from Hardley Normal for $300) you have a Garmin 486 capability for less than $450. You can also download the PDA version for your PDA or smartphone. Don't know about iPhone yet.
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