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Everything posted by dreemhi

  1. This would be my idea of affordable flying but I doubt it will ever happen again around Sydney.
  2. I have followed this thread with interest and come to the conclusion that in regard to RAAus about 10% of members are fervently in favour of the direction of the organisation, 10% are against and 80% couldn't give a damn. So, I think the question is really, when did we lose interest? I came over to the ultralight side in 2005. GA had become too expensive and was on the decline. For the next couple of years it seemed to me that flying ultralights was exciting and growing. People were trying to develop Australian aircraft, Gary Morgan's Diamond single seater, the Sapphire was popular and Jabiru was on it's way to becoming world class benchmark. 10 years or so later and it felt like it had all changed, the enthusiasm seemed to drain away. Natfly fell by the wayside not long after CASA started doing ramp checks. When Jabiru had problems did Casa approach them and say "how can we help solve these problems" no, they nearly put them out of business. I think the answer to this is that RAAus needs to look at it's attitude to it's members. A classic example is the current Sports Pilot magazine, it is without a doubt a beautifully and professionally prepared publication but is relevant to about the 10% of members who could afford the plastic fantastics advertised within. I'd be happy with a cheap paper publication with a great deal more emphasis on low cost flying presented in an encouraging way. David
  3. Whilst I don't really want to get too involved with this discussion I must admit to becoming disillusioned with flying and the probability is I will never fly again. In my case that's as much to do with age as anything. Having said that I look at this discussion and wonder what has happened. I took a quick look at RAAus' annual report 2019/2020. In there it states membership figures 2015 - 2020 which range from about 8500 in 2015 to 9500 in 2020, fairly consistent! The number of schools declined a little, maybe suggesting declining profitability. The number of clubs declined dramatically, maybe suggesting a lack of social interest. The most recent indicator to me that all is not right involves the Sapphire LSA. This Scott Winton designed aircraft, in my opinion, had the makings of a world beater and it saddens me that I never got own or even fly one but now you can buy the whole company including 3 aircraft for less than a used Jabiru. David
  4. Not an outboard but the Yamaha Phazer snowmobile engine has been used as a replacement for the 503 and 582 engines. With performance similar or exceeding the 582 and slightly lighter weight this 4 stroke, fuel injected and liquid cooled engine sounds almost ideal. On the down side, to get the power this under 500cc engine revs up to 11000 rpm, something I would worry about and I don't believe it is currently in production. This may be wishful thinking but I would like to see more ultralight aircraft, Challenger, Chinook, Quicksilver and the like, back in the air and fun flying again. I think for that to happen there is a need for a replacement for the now defunct 40 - 70hp 2strokes, Yamaha, if they are so inclined may have the answer.
  5. For those interested, having just spent the day doing preservation work on the site, I can assure you that Camden Aviation Museum at Narellan is still in existence and whilst it is not open to the public, visitors are still welcome. Anyone who would like to visit should contact Nicole Thomas 0447778020 or visit the website http://www.camdenmuseumofaviation.com.au . David
  6. Over the past couple of years I seem to have become less than excited about my flying, the result of circumstances and a reaction to a perception, rightly or wrongly, of RAAus' seemingly wanting to continually beat us about the ears with a rolled up rule book. In an effort to encourage myself I have been trolling the youtube videos and I must admit there are some stimulating ones to watch, especially out of the States, where their governing bodies seem to invoke enthusiasm and even allow some activities that would probably see us grounded. And then I came across this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di9IkdY7fvs. If the link fails to work search "UL39". I would probably never be able to afford it and I doubt I could even fly it and who knows the drama of trying to register it here but I think this is something different. David
  7. The answer is simple, sell the business to the Chinese, there will be cheap engines before you know it. David
  8. Hey Mark, where have your been? How about getting in touch. Dave (M10)
  9. As an Oaks flyer it's never good to hear of an incident and whilst I'm sorry to hear of damage to an aircraft, thank god everybody walked away. David
  10. Thanks guys, I had pretty much looked at every other engine I could, on the net but when you way it up to get the right weight and power and the reputation and back up, I couldn't find an option. David
  11. Hi All, I am just about at the stage of having to make the final decision on what engine to put into my supercat. The obviose choice and the one that I am leaning towards is the Rotax 503 but before I make the final commitment, is there any other serious option? David
  12. I went last year and it was fantastic. I spent the two comp days over by the strip to watch the takeoffs and landings. I also took field glasses to keep up with the action and that was well and truely complimented by the big screens and the sound system. Perth is exspensive to stay eat and drink in but what a show. If your there and you have time visit the "Bull Creek Museum", it an aircraft museum with everthing from ultalights to a Lancaster. Its the only aviation museum I've ever been in thats set in a retirement home, mostly all ex RAF & RAAF. David
  13. Chris, I just got this months RAA mag and whilst i've only quickly flipped through it I did notice a service bulletin on the HKS. Probably not that significant. Also, there was an article on the "Aerotwin", another engine I have been looking at over the last month or so. It also looks like the "Quicksilver" agent in Newcastle is distributing them. Could be another option! David.
  14. I'd be interested in that too, as soon as you have more detail let us know. Thanks, David
  15. Looks great. Now thats achievement, well done:thumb_up: David
  16. Hi Tech Man, When you get some info on the HKS please keep us informed. So far I have been unable to find any real comparison of performance, durability and reliability. But I'd like to think it offers a good option to two strokes. David
  17. A sad lose to us all but especially his loved ones. If there is a heaven and I would like to think there is, it will have clear blue sky, calm air and absolutely no controlled air space. David
  18. A huge lose to the aviation fraternity. A few years back I took the trouble to visit Col's hanger at Scone. Whilst it wasn't necessarily open to the public it was open to those who took the trouble to ask for access. I hope that Scone and especially the aviation people of that area take the trouble to mark his memory. David
  19. Got mine yesterday, used to be I got it 4th or 5th of the month, now its more like the middle of the month. Also I devour the thing in less than 48 hours, so of late I limit myself to a few pages a day and try to make it last a week or so. On the first point I'm not sure but I suppose the recent RAA elections and executive changes might be an influence. Any RAA personnel feel inclined to respond? On the second point I guess we only have ourselves to blame, all of us have stories to tell, unusual aircraft, exciting flights, even just the thrill of a single circuit can be a story the rest of us would be happy to share, so if you've got one why not submit it? David And before you ask, yes I am working on one of my own and who knows, if it's good enough, it might end up in print.
  20. It's a good question Mike. Having not long ago completed my X-country I thought my landings had lost their edge, so my next outing was back to the circuit. It also reminded me that its been a while since I practiced stalls and steep turns, so I guess that means I had better get myself out to the airfield again soon. And whilst I'm at it my approach and joining procedures could probably do with a bit more refinement. I guess my approach is not the most scientific but it does give me a reason to fly as often as I can. David
  21. Haven't been there for about two years but the cafe at fighterworld, Williamtown, used to serve some good food plus you get to rub shoulders with the fighter boys and you'r right at the end of the main runway. David
  22. Will do Fred. David
  23. Fred, once again well done mate. In terms of your thrust problem, I came across an article in the American "kitplanes" mag about a guy by the name of Paul Lipps, he has developed a prop which he recons produces more thrust than a normal prop. Looks weird but who knows, could be worth a look. I hope to be at the field on Tuesday and I'll make a point of bringing the mag with me. David
  24. On Tuesday I had the privilege of witnessing a dream come true. I am surprised it has not already been posted and I can only presume the man concerned is being modest. I am not about to steal his thunder so I will not mention his name or a/c but he is a member of this forum. When someone spends something like a quarter of a lifetime pouring time, effort, money and skill into a dream, you would have to say they are dedicated, when they then demonstrate their faith by strapping into it and heading into the wide blue yonder, they then qualify for the title of bona fide hero. If I can only do some of what this man has done I will feel very proud of myself. He is not the first to achieve this, nor indeed will he probably be the last but unlike most of us who are “gunnas†he has done it. Come on F---, tell us all about the experience and encourage us all to emulate your lead, you have earned the right to shout it from the roof tops. Maybe there is a case here for a roll of honor to recognize all those who make their dream come true. David
  25. Ben, I think you are referring to Dale Brown, ex USAF B52 and FB111 navigator turned author and I don't think you can ever read too much of his stories. Back on the thread, here at Camden we have been seeing plenty of chopper activity, including late evening/night, possible practice? But as yet no sign of F18's. Since I can't fly during the exlusion, I think the least they could do is put on a bit of a show;) David
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