I myself am not yet a licensed pilot, as I am still saving up the funds, but I get the Australian Aviation magazine monthly and I read through the AirTest section where they test an aircraft. Some things that I personally like to see are:
- an uncluttered cockpit. Make sure the cockpit is well organised and laid out purposefully, don't just throw gauges anyway.
- good speed. Definately an aircraft that has a cruise speed of 100+ knots. If it also has slow stall speeds it can be great for learning pilots as they have a larger margin for error (which can sometimes be a bad thing!!)
- manouverability. If you can make it manouverable it can again be good for learning pilots.
I personally prefer a digital cockpit, without going too advanced with the PFD and nav displays but in the end it's up to you.
Good luck :biggrin: