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    Cab of a freight train
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  1. What's the failure message? That "Multiple Sensors failed" type thing can often be caused by attempting to do a pitot-static check without being in test mode, the ADAHRS sees the rapid climb/descent and IAS changes without corresponding GPS position or accelerometer changes and cries foul. Doesn't sound like you've actually done a P-S test, but it might be somewhere to start. First thing I'd do is unplug your GPS antenna, do a network calibration to rediscover all the modules but without the GPS, cycle power and see what happens.
  2. A 916 would cost more tan the entire airframe, yet alone two! A pair of 914's would be a far better choice. Much cheaper, aftermarket EFII is available, critical altitude of FL160 and did I say cheaper than a 916? EDIT: Just saw the same MTOW of 760, so only 280kg payload. You couldn't even put 4 people in before you're over MTOW, so WTF's it good for?
  3. Wouldn't be the first time RAAus didn't understand their own manuals or the legislation they operate under....
  4. Why do we need an alternative to VH- these days? The US seems to get along just fine without RAUSA. The Brits too, can't see RAEngland getting off the ground. RAAus is a continuation of the AUF that was about before we had the likes of Part 103 and the Class 5 medical.
  5. No, they're not. Wedderburn is home to the Sport flying club buried among the trees - makes it easy to spot going past... The Oaks is about 5NM southwest of Camden, two separate airfields.
  6. Yer know - I was impressed that that Jab managed to slip between the water tank and the hangar outrigger down SA way last year when the pilot pranged it. This one beats that - managing to park it on the hangar roof without so much as cracking one of the solar panels behind 'im. I'm impressed. Exceedingly curious, but impressed nonetheless.
  7. Just like the dozens, if not hundreds, of "news" reports telling everyone those nasty Sydney train driver's went out "on strike" when that never happened either. Welcome to the modern-day media....
  8. Yer know the inherently interesting thing about the ASIC? It's as useless as a flyscreen in a fucken submarine at any airport that doesn't have RPT, but does still get large-capacity business jets. The KR KRew live adjacent their local airport, we have through-the-fence access to take the RV flying and Mini-Me has got a photo standing in front of a brand-spankers Falcon 8X that had flown in when we pulled up for fuel. The crew were at a hotel, the jet was simply parked with the bungs in and that was it. No armed guards. No guard dogs. Not even security lighting on the tarmac. Granted, it'd be locked, but that's not going to stop a dedicated "I want to steal a jet" whacko with a toolkit, and said lunatic wouldn't be questioned because there's no need for an ASIC here. All an ASIC does is give the impression of stopping an identified threat - it'll do nothing at all to stop the unidentified ones....
  9. An ASIC - or lack thereof - is going to do sweet FA to stop the next attack. It might stop singular nutjobs, but a determined attack in Oz? Not in a snowballs chance. And if there's no assurance it'll stop anything, then it's a WOFTAM. There's any number of ways dedicated whack-jobs or religious zealots could harm the population. Two blokes could walk onto a Sydney or Melbourne train at either end towing two big-arse suitcases of not-so-nice-stuff and you've got 1000 casualties when it goes BANG! underground. No security. No sniffer dogs. No boarding passes or identity checks. They ain't gonna bother getting an ASIC, or not getting an ASIC just to fly some shitbox 172 into Parliament House. That ship has sailed, but as is typical in Australia, we're about 20 years behind. 40 years for the Democratic People's Republic of McGowanstan.
  10. If it does - I can't find it on the CAsA website. But that's not altogether surprising, given the convoluted nature of their sites design. SAAA still references 18/22.
  11. Not with 1500-2000 hours between overhauls they don't!
  12. Problem is, radar separation requirements are far greater than that required for visual separation. Which is why controllers will clear you for a visual approach vs instrument where possible. And by issuing a clearance to traffic to 'pass behind XYZ' that places the responsibility for separation on the pilot, not the ATCO. I reckon people would be surprised at just how little collision-avoidance equipment is carried on something like a Blackhawk.
  13. Think that's the same one that was tooling about up at Scone late last year. Looked pretty good from a distance.
  14. Watched it a few days ago. Spat the dummy when they lined up on the runway at 250KIAS & 40,000' on the PFD, and being 800NM from Singapore on the ND when they're departing from Singapore.... Still, not a baaaad movie, but anyone who knows more than a poofteenth about aviation would cringe at the cockpit and related scenes.
  15. Unless you're determined to have no assets in the event of an accident, you need some sort of liability - RAAus provide $10M to others, and IIRC $250K to a passenger - but $250K won't go very far if you hurt someone, even through no negligence on your part. Other options, "comprehensive" insurance in car terms is Hull - to replace your aircraft if you bend it. And Ground-Not-In-Motion, as it's name suggests, it'll replace your aircraft if it's damaged by a storm or hit by an errant student pilot, so long as your aircraft wasn't moving. For an aircraft under $100K, I'd probably just go liability and Ground NIM and wear the loss if I bent it. I have $100K Hull on my RV-9 and that's about 40% of what I'd need to replace it one-for-one, but it's enough to get me airborne again in a Jabiru or an older and not-as-well-equipped -4 or -6 so I accept the differential. Gonna bump it up a bit next renewal though. But a $2M+ liability insurance should be mandatory if you're carrying passengers.
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