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Everything posted by KRviator

  1. Just like the dozens, if not hundreds, of "news" reports telling everyone those nasty Sydney train driver's went out "on strike" when that never happened either. Welcome to the modern-day media....
  2. Yer know the inherently interesting thing about the ASIC? It's as useless as a flyscreen in a fucken submarine at any airport that doesn't have RPT, but does still get large-capacity business jets. The KR KRew live adjacent their local airport, we have through-the-fence access to take the RV flying and Mini-Me has got a photo standing in front of a brand-spankers Falcon 8X that had flown in when we pulled up for fuel. The crew were at a hotel, the jet was simply parked with the bungs in and that was it. No armed guards. No guard dogs. Not even security lighting on the tarmac. Granted, it'd be locked, but that's not going to stop a dedicated "I want to steal a jet" whacko with a toolkit, and said lunatic wouldn't be questioned because there's no need for an ASIC here. All an ASIC does is give the impression of stopping an identified threat - it'll do nothing at all to stop the unidentified ones....
  3. An ASIC - or lack thereof - is going to do sweet FA to stop the next attack. It might stop singular nutjobs, but a determined attack in Oz? Not in a snowballs chance. And if there's no assurance it'll stop anything, then it's a WOFTAM. There's any number of ways dedicated whack-jobs or religious zealots could harm the population. Two blokes could walk onto a Sydney or Melbourne train at either end towing two big-arse suitcases of not-so-nice-stuff and you've got 1000 casualties when it goes BANG! underground. No security. No sniffer dogs. No boarding passes or identity checks. They ain't gonna bother getting an ASIC, or not getting an ASIC just to fly some shitbox 172 into Parliament House. That ship has sailed, but as is typical in Australia, we're about 20 years behind. 40 years for the Democratic People's Republic of McGowanstan.
  4. If it does - I can't find it on the CAsA website. But that's not altogether surprising, given the convoluted nature of their sites design. SAAA still references 18/22.
  5. Not with 1500-2000 hours between overhauls they don't!
  6. Problem is, radar separation requirements are far greater than that required for visual separation. Which is why controllers will clear you for a visual approach vs instrument where possible. And by issuing a clearance to traffic to 'pass behind XYZ' that places the responsibility for separation on the pilot, not the ATCO. I reckon people would be surprised at just how little collision-avoidance equipment is carried on something like a Blackhawk.
  7. Think that's the same one that was tooling about up at Scone late last year. Looked pretty good from a distance.
  8. Watched it a few days ago. Spat the dummy when they lined up on the runway at 250KIAS & 40,000' on the PFD, and being 800NM from Singapore on the ND when they're departing from Singapore.... Still, not a baaaad movie, but anyone who knows more than a poofteenth about aviation would cringe at the cockpit and related scenes.
  9. Unless you're determined to have no assets in the event of an accident, you need some sort of liability - RAAus provide $10M to others, and IIRC $250K to a passenger - but $250K won't go very far if you hurt someone, even through no negligence on your part. Other options, "comprehensive" insurance in car terms is Hull - to replace your aircraft if you bend it. And Ground-Not-In-Motion, as it's name suggests, it'll replace your aircraft if it's damaged by a storm or hit by an errant student pilot, so long as your aircraft wasn't moving. For an aircraft under $100K, I'd probably just go liability and Ground NIM and wear the loss if I bent it. I have $100K Hull on my RV-9 and that's about 40% of what I'd need to replace it one-for-one, but it's enough to get me airborne again in a Jabiru or an older and not-as-well-equipped -4 or -6 so I accept the differential. Gonna bump it up a bit next renewal though. But a $2M+ liability insurance should be mandatory if you're carrying passengers.
  10. That's interesting as the Aztec was purchased mid-this-year and is still tooling about out of Bankstown. Did he have a business partner or someone else to take the reins?
  11. Wedgetail bought that 'Experimental' Aztec I was considering earlier this year. Got caught up with work issues and couldn't finish my due diligence before it was sold. Registered to "Wedgetail Aviation Pty Ltd" with an address in Carlingford. Wonder what'll happen to it now? If anyone knows what's happening to the Wedgetail assets, I'd wouldn't mind getting in touch with whomever is managing their affairs.
  12. Don't feel too bad. Took Brisbane 76 years before they got a railway line to the airport - though they did have the old Pinkenba line running just outside the boundary of the old Eagle Farm airport...
  13. That's what I carry on away trips. I have 3 x 30cm star pickets with D-shackles on 'em and a mallet. Bit heavier than I'd like, but carried as far aft as I can get 'em gives me an quarter-knot TAS increase.😃
  14. I don't recall being taught or told either way, TBH. I typically taxi or backtrack on the centerline of a taxiway or runway - but I can imagine an aircraft would be more visible if it were offset to one side of the white lines. As for: About as useful as a flyscreen in a fucken submarine. If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute, why bother? You could have at least told him which regulation of the 9,559,224 individual rules and subparts across the CAR's, CASR's, MOS' and Act's he should review....
  15. So here we are nearly a year later, and all RAAus has to say is the timeline on their website. I haven't seen any announcements that anything is "officially" live yet, not heard any scuttlebutt about things like RV's going over to RAAus yet. So...Any updates from RAAus-land, anyone?
  16. We'll be there. Started a new job a while back and on Day1 I made sure they knew I needed that weekend off.
  17. Nah, pissed blokes are easy to deal with. Usually... Moree has a significantly higher crime rate than comparable towns like Narrabri, Stanthorpe, Tamworth or Gunnedah. Moree also has a much higher proportion of aboriginal people living there. 2'n'2 don't equal 5. A recent ABC article about it. A few weeks back, we were talking to the the taxi driver about the problem on the way from the station and he told us about a young and apparently pregnant girl there was belted with sticks and broom handles by a group of teenagers intent on flogging her car only a couple weeks before. Most of our crew are quite happy to be staying in a gated motel on our overnights now.
  18. You can't go wrong at the Moree Rizzle. We regularly go there for meals after work and I haven't had a bad feed yet. And $5 schooners for their beer-of-the-month is a nice bonus. Pro tip - stay at the Albert next door to the RSL. Gated & swipe card access, so not as many problems with....uhhhh....some locals, and you don't even need the courtesy bus home. Not sure how exxy it is, work pays for our rooms, but they're quite nice and probably among the best in town.
  19. Thanks Skip, have it in my mind a mate out at Narromine used the Mudgee folks for his test a couple years ago, I'll give 'em a call.
  20. Who do you use, @skippydiesel? Need to get the RV done.
  21. Tell you what - they make coding a hell of a lot easier! I wrote a Python program for me to use at work and was able to use ChatGPT to find the errors in my code that were driving me nuts and suggest better ways to do it. It's only a matter of time before they'll be good enough to write the whole thing - if you're able to accurately describe what you want in the first place.
  22. @Richard Stewart - for gods sake, please format your posts and stop using capital letters in your submissions. It's incredibly hard to follow your ramblings to date and, to be frank, my eyes glazed over and I CBF'd taking in anything except the most basic points from them. You say there was no engine misfire or problem, then nek minit say there was an engine failure. It matters not the flight attitude if the engine stopped unless inverted or pushing negative G's with a fuel or oil system not designed for that - I can routinely climb out at 25-30* nose up in cool weather and light weights for sustained periods, and regularly turn crosswind halfway down the 1100m runway - and yes, that's at 500AGL... An engine failure in climb and you're blaming the pilot...Bit rough methinks, no matter your opinion as an eye witness. Perhaps you should post the video so we can make our own deductions.
  23. My only concern with that concept is you never really 'own' anything beside a shed. And at the end of the lease, you may have to remove your shed and slab at your cost, depending how the lease agreement is written. it works well when the landlord/owner is supportive, but can be problematic towards the end of the lease period or even just trying to sell mid-lease.
  24. I'm not sure I'd be willing to fly in something that didn't have shoulder harnesses - but in saying that, they still have their limitations. Even the RV's with a 4/5 point harness have a dangerous tendancy to bend the longerons in a sudden stop causing the shoulder harness attachment points to move forward, loosening the harness and rendering it less (or in-) effective.
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