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Everything posted by KRviator

  1. G'day Peter, First question, no, I haven't updated it for a year or so. Second question, yes, it is still available. It was hosted on the Dynon forums, but they migrated their forum software away from their original platform and that broke everyones original external hyperlinks. IF you go to this post you'll find the G3X ones. Copy the text files, then change the file extension from TXT to FPL and you should be able to upload them to your G3X as User Waypoints.
  2. Good to see they're still doing it, if you haven't seen their attempted takeoff - well, they did actually takeoff, so it wasn't an attempt - at Cant-ber-her 15 years ago you've gotta love the ATCO's humour!
  3. What's the largest (tallest) pilot that'll comfortably fit in a Sapphire? I've always liked the look of them - and the Marco J5 too - but have always thought they aren't really geared for above-average pilots.
  4. PPL theory is easy to self-study. I got the two Bob Tait books and read them in my downtime at work, and passed the exam with flying colours. A dedicated theory course isn't required IMHO.
  5. It wasn't an overly complicated accident, from what I can find, it was Aires 8520 that you're referring to, and it is commonly known as a "Black hole approach" that gives the illusion you are much higher on approach than you actually are, and you increase the descent rate to compensate. IF they were on autopilot then use of VS in pitch to correct the "above GP" sensation would be a normal reaction as you can vary the rate with the automatics until you're happy. Unfortunately, that doesn't always mean you're on profile...
  6. When I put the RV on the market in a couple months, I'll lose around $40K on the total cost, yet alone shipping for parts etc, even though it's only got 130-odd hours since brand-new-everything. The way the dollar has gone, its' replacement cost is well over $160,000, but realistically, I can't see a buyer paying that. And it would free up the fixed costs for something more family friendly...
  7. I don't think it is just RAA that have fewer ads of late. I've noticed a downturn in heavier sport aircraft too, the RV's and the like. Whether that's due to those owners thinking "Well, I was going to sell it to buy a -10, but look at the dollar!" or seeing the same aircraft listed for months (years in a few examples) and not selling, so why bother putting their pride and joy up for sale unless they have to? Given the state of the worldwide economy, a private aircraft is now rapidly becoming a luxury only a few are likely to have the confidence to stump up the $$ for, at least, until things settle down.
  8. So said Bushcat is now for sale on FB. Click HERE for the details.
  9. I still have a kneeboard immediately available, though not always strapped on, for noting things like multiple regos inbound, or other tidbits I can't easily do with an iPad. A4 is far too big, mine is A5. Apologies for the stonkin' huge photo but I can't find a smaller version of it, though the timer isn't typically included. I acquired mine with Defence years ago, but you can still buy them from the likes of Sporty's, Spruce, et al, for about 0.1AMU, heck, they're even on eBay shipped from Brisbane for $60AUD shipped.
  10. Do they give a list or source for their info? I wouldn't have thought it'd be anywhere near that high a figure....
  11. There was also the mid-air near Bankstown around a decade ago, HERE's the report for that one...
  12. Or HERE for those that don't have an RAAus login.
  13. IF I had someone interested in the -9A while it is on the RAAus register, I'd sell it tomorrow with the numbers on the side, but it is a very niche mission (ie, high-speed single seat, or medium-range 1+1) that I think it makes more sense to swap it to VH-, particularly now the RPL is here to capture a broader market. As for renting, I have flown an EFIS/ADS-B/Autopilot equipped aircraft that gets along at 145KTAS, whereas the closest 4 seater available to hire is the CCAC's Arrow, which will match the speed, but has an antiquated cockpit - for $335 an hour. Assuming similar costs for a certified aircraft as my RV, plus $3,000 for a 100-hourly, it makes more sense to buy a 4 seater than hire one, and I can retrofit Electronic ignition and the Garmin G3X or Dynon Skyview to it, fly it when I want, and know how well it is maintained. To that end, I'd love a 177RG, but I'm concerned about a couple of aspects, it's carry-through spar issue, reported gear issues and primarily, how well it would cope at Somersby, where my -9 is based. Even a 182P would be on the good side of suitable as you can get a gross weight STC, and a Mogas STC, even if I'd be lucky to see 130KTAS from one of them, but if it has the LR tanks, that more than offsets the lower speed - and the Dynon Autopilot is already certified for it! I'd forgotten about the poor -12! An almost unforgivable sin overlooking that one!
  14. It can be done. But you have make a concious effort to keep your MTOW legal if you're on the portly side. My -9A was 445Kg empty (probably 450 now with the autopilot & 2nd seat cushions), which leaves juuust under full tanks + me, or half tanks + me and Mini-Me. Unless that suits your mission, RAAus isn't ideal for a two seat RV - though it has been adequate for me for 3 years, but to be able to take 2 adults, I'm going to have another go at putting it on VH next month.
  15. I have a RV-9A (for now, selling it soon to get a 4-seater ?) and it is $6,000 in fixed costs before I spin the prop. $3,600/yr hangarage and airport usage fees at a private airstrip. $2,300/yr Insurance for $100K hull coverage $200 RAAus registration - cant remember exact $$ figure, but not that much. After that, I fly for the cost of fuel and oil, which works out to around $50/hour. I don't put $$ aside for the engine or avionics, the engine was brand new and I have a Dynon EFIS. If I need to upgrade, I'll redraw the extra $$ from my mortgage, the money works harder there for us at present...
  16. IIRC, you have to log in to the CAsA MRS to get to the questionnaire, as it becomes pre-filled with your personal details to take to your GP. The Basic Class 2. That's (same kind of flying) all I'll be doing initially, then stepping up to the standard Class 2 for the PIFR.
  17. I did mine not long back, and it's basically an online thing. You go online, put your and your quacks details in, print the form, take it to your GP & get signed off, go back online to say you've been signed off, pay your $10, and then print the PDF medical certificate that the website will generate.
  18. Only strip I know of on the banks of the Hawkesbury is at The Missions 1937. Their strip could take a leaf from Lake Macquarie's pilot notes on EFATO, stop if able, otherwise prepare for moisture in the cockpit!
  19. My personal opinion is it all starts with a single trigger and builds from there. Consider this: You're flying from A-B and the weather's a bit iffy, you might be scud-running or not quite have the 3 miles. But you make it to B ok. That event sows the seed, not necessarily for outright rule-breaking, but the "she'll be right" mentality for the next time, where you might need to pop through a thin payer of stratus or be ducking and weaving through some low cumulus, "I did it last time, and it worked out OK". And the more times you do it - and survive, subconsciously you're building a "I know what I'm doing" culture where a junior you years ago, would take one look at it and say "Yeah, Nah, I'll wait it out". Sometimes, sadly, this is the final outcome. He made the right choice to turn back in the first instance and was only 15 minutes out from Casino when he hit the terrain in a high-speed, high rate descent. Turning back a 2nd time for a 30 minute delay won't kill you, but not doing so might. Let's try to remember this lesson.
  20. A terrible outcome, but coupled with the recent Mooney crash near Coffs it shows the benefits of ADS-B in the event something happens.
  21. It wasn't DFR, it was VH-OFR and the report is HERE. From the report: So if the piston was not a Jabiru-sourced component, then it doesn't matter what piston Jabiru are using for their Gen-4 engines. As regards the cause, according to the ATSB:
  22. IT isn't about not paying landing fees. It is about how we do it. RAAus has obtained our details for Reason A & B (management of our RPC's and registrations, essentially) - but then, in an attempt to curry favour with airports and CAsA - have entered into a commercial arrangement with the Australian Airports Association to disclose our details - without any evidence whatsoever that we actually operated there mind you - to members of that association - who themselves will not say who they are, as their details "are private". Kosher? Hardly. At least AvData (pondscum they may be), publish a list of airports that utilise their services so we can avoid them if desired. FWIW, I already pay $3,600 a year in hangarage and usage fees to a private airfield operator. I am also a Central Coast Council ratepayer, however, because I am not based at Warnervale, am classed as Itinerant, so my landing fees for 1 hour of circuits there come to $150. Plus another $110 just for the privilege of refuelling (Not even counting the fuel - that's extra again). So $260 just to fly a few laps and refuel in a Sub-600Kg machine. And they aren't the most expensive places I've found either...It is cheaper for me to fly from Sydney to Morrabbin or Archerfield, fly an hour of circuits there, land, refuel and fly home than it is to fly 10nm to Warnervale and do an hour there... You tell me why it's fair to charge someone to "refuel on Council land" and how I - as an aircraft owner - can "owe" Council for doing so but if I refuel my tinny on its' trailer on the footpath I can do so for nix...Yep, definitely time to get out of flying. ?
  23. Unfortunately, I am thinking the same too. I loved building my RV, I enjoy flying it, particularly with my kids down Victor 1 whale watching, but there comes a time when dealing with CAsA, RAAus and airport owners (with the notable exception of Pete at Somersby) begin to significantly outweigh any enjoyment I get from it. Anyone want to buy an RV-9A? QB wings & Fuse, ~120 TTAE, Skyview EFIS, AP & ADS-B equipped? $105K. ?
  24. So I spoke to one of the Michael's today for nearly an hour and found out something interesting...Apparently pilots - of which I am one - have been hit for landing charges that they incurred before the AAA Agreement was signed - but where the airport owner had retained the flight details and then used the new RAAus-AAA interface to acquire their details and send an invoice over a year later. I don't think I will end up reaching agreement with RAAus about their distribution of my details, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt about it until I get a final response and decide then.
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