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Sukhoi SU-37

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Everything posted by Sukhoi SU-37

  1. Thanks Red, owe you, :D the warrior is the exact one I was looking for?
  2. Hey guys, Jut wondering if any one knows where I could get a poster sized cockpit view of the PA-28 with all the controls/buttons and switches? If anyone knows any good websites I can order one from that would help a lot. Fred,
  3. OH didn't read far enough..lol... still if I had money to blow would definitely consider getting one :D... Love the way you can instantaneously take off anywhere haha..
  4. Not bad for $3800... almost able to slide it under the bed :P
  5. Congratulations :D
  6. Wow lucky you got the camera out just in time lol... You definitely have to keep a vigilant look out for other aircraft..
  7. LOL... you don't see that everyday....
  8. Mnewbery, thanks heaps man, sorry for the late reply I have been in Adelaide for the past couple of days... I Appreciate it a lot :)
  9. Thanks Winsor... Hopefully with the guidance of the many experts on this forum it will be :D
  10. Hello Dazza thanx for the welcome mate :)
  11. I Was going through my Bob Tait PPl book when I stumbled across a question regarding the D456 and D527 hours of activation.. There seems to be no reference in the Air law chapter within the book...or I just cant see it.. Also unlike the previous questions which links you to another reference i.e look at AIP 1.1 ENR, it has no chapter information and I'm stumped on where to find the info.. Does anyone know which publication I should look at, or even an explanation of the two would be a great help :)
  12. Thanks Darren :)
  13. One more question guys, which forum thread would be best suited for me to post in with regards to PPL questions if need some help?
  14. Thanks guys :)
  15. Hello Everyone, My name is Fred, just thought I would introduce myself before I get my posting mode on :D
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