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Everything posted by Leonie

  1. happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day :)
  2. hello :) and welcome! nice videos! i might just follow you on youtube :)
  3. if any one is interested, tryign to sell the hornet sillouette for $250, and the blackbird one for $300 soon as i do border and seal it. massive vet bill to pay :(
  4. Leonie

    Great Movie

    wow, incredible movie. pulls the heart strings too. footage is breathtaking with old and new. those planes will carry the memories of long gone for ever.
  5. I enjoy watching that show too :) pretty incredible!
  6. Leonie

    This Really Cool

  7. I will ask dad if he knows her too see if we can find her :)
  8. very cool :) Yeah dad knows Alan really well. Says hes a lovely fellow :) Those are great photos too! Thanks for sharing those :)
  9. Well, my dad does know Alan Hicks :) Works with him infact!!
  10. wow so many really cool paint jobs, and some that make you go o.O
  11. thanks :D
  12. haha woooo :D its good to meet fellow aviation artists!! thats a good idea about my dad and his work! cant believe I have never thought of that before. and nice to meet you robk!
  13. heres the link, i dont think i helped it with the title LOL http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/bugle-ranges/antiques-collectables/aviation-painting/1001717542
  14. Howdy all, new member here :) New disabled artist as well. Some of my paintings, acrylic on stretched canvas, most are on 50x70 canvases, exception being the SR-71 it is on one about 40x100 I think it is. Thanks for looking anyways folks :) The first one is the first painting I have done of both an aircraft and since becoming disabled. The last is the one I am currently working on :) Most of them I make "3D" as well by making the nose pop out a little bit. It is also really hard to take good photos of paintings LOL Spitfire Nanchang F/A-18 Hornet- a friends request, and that is why it has not got correct weaponry as he wanted these specific weapons :) F/A-18 Hornet sillouette And finally the one I am currently doing, have nearly finished, SR-71 Blackbird surveying war aftermath
  15. thankyou for sharing the link, those are really nice photos
  16. that would have taken a fair bit of time to do! airbrushing is expensive as well! looks s ocool though
  17. thanks for that warm welcome guys :) this really is a friendly forum!! And I just went and looked at your art work Ayeess, yours are awesome!! look like photos! Way better than my art work haha! i can upload the photos bigger :) I have done a few planes since my spitty, i will post them up too. I will put a post in the hobbies/collectables thread with them all in. And Siz, I will ask dad if he knows Alan Hicks, I believe he might as the name is very familiar! Dad pretty much knows everyone at parafield, he used to fly there for years, then taught for a bit, before becoming ground school. He was also at Aldinga aerodrome for a long time too. I am trying to sell some DWB, but no idea where to advertise them. Have one on gumtree but no interest. I family member bought one, so one has gone to WA, then a friend commisioned one which i finished a couple months ago, still waiting on him to pay and take it. So I would like to start doing more commisions, and sell some. Hard to let them go as I get so attached to each one. But not being able to work now, income is low, so any extra cash goes a long way! My spitfire though will be staying with me forever. I Have no idea waht to sell any for. THe one gumtree I have up for $400 on peoples advice, but no interest so must be too much LOL!! Have some artwork going into a disabled artists exhibition in July this year. The theme is change, and in true fashion mines going to be planes symbolizing change :) will be a 'forgotten' spitfire watching over a runway with a new age jet taking off. Even though spitfires are not forgotten, but they are not used in same way these days. Hopefully can get it done in time, wanted to buy the canvas this week to get it started but not enough cash till next week! oh well will win lotto one day :)
  18. Hello folks, my name is Leonie, a fellow plane enthusiast thanks to being raised by a pilot :D My dad is currently a lecturer at Parafield Airport in the College there. If any of you are local you might actually know him! Anyways, I have always loved planes, did my work experience whilst at school at parafield, and got to help with a plane in the RAAF base. was very cool! many years ago now however. Decided to finish school instead of leaving to do an aircraft engineering apprenticeship that i was offered (would take it now if could turn back time!) Have a few learner hours in the cockpit, but unfortunately an injury which is now permanent means i cannot fly anymore so cannot continue with gaining a pilots licence :( I have however, since becoming permanently disabled, worked out I can paint aviation art on canvas :) my dominant hand doesnt work anymore, and my left is not great either, (and used to paint before) just only recently did i discover I could paint planes! they take me a while, and are painful, but gosh i love it. My avatar image is my first ever disabled painting, and first ever plane painting!! Also make them 3d-the spitfires nose pops out of the canvas a little. Keeps the hold planes have on me happy :) Hoping to go to the next Avalon airshow too! as have not been to any for a while now! Anyways, not sure what else to say, but nice to meet you all!
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