Nah, im pretty thick skinned. I do react a little when people point to operation and maintenance. Not so much because I think we are perfect, by any means, but because we have always offered to take advice on how "better" to operate, or maintain.
My engineers have for the last few years, gone above and beyond what I would call reasonable measures to ensure compliance with the published procedures etc.
We operate them STRICTLY IAW with the POH. I mean to the LETTER!!!
Our failure rates, are exactly in line with what could be predicted from the stats with Jab engines. As ive said, we have more than 5000 hours over the years operating Jab engines, and have had one inflight failure, and several "ground" failures, ie, discovered in pre flights etc.
Those numbers align almost perfectly with what could be expected after operating for the hours we have.
Certainly not making excuses. If we knew HOW to improve things, we would.
* We can only operate IAW published specs
* We can only maintain IAW with published procedures
* We can only monitor with approved and installed equipment
Outside of that, what else can we do? We have provided as much data as we can regarding engine component failures.
We have NEVER had a satisfactory indications to WHY ANY of these failures have taken place. Apart from once when the factory admitted to supplying the WRONG part.
We have even had to FIGHT with Jab to get our "broken" components back off them for independent inspection. The line being, they cant explain it, and we cant have the parts back either..
We have had many 400 hour runs with ZERO reportable defects or failures over the years, so im sure you can understand my synasism when i read people's stories of perfect service over such a small period, and that being offered as "evidence" of our operational shortcomings with regards to failures. And when called an "idiot" and a "clown" I do get a little...Tired...
You are perfectly correct, your opinion is as valid as anybody elses. I appolagise if you took from my comments that you shouldnt be posting your opinion. But please understand that some operators have a greater "pool" of data on which to base their opinion.