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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Wow Geoff. I'm glad things took a turn for the better mate. Thanks for sharing so openly mate. I didn't realise you had so much time up. I was under the impression you were still early days , hence the remarks regarding the multiple types. Sounds like your having a ball and getting some good experience up :)) Of your ever near te sth coast, look me up mate. Cheers
  2. Ok. Normally, when I read our "guru's offerings in the Magazine, I either chuckle under my breath, bite my tongue or move on and pretend I didnt see it. But this months offering has left me curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth in the corner as I stare off into the middle distance. Does anyone on here have anything to do with the editing of the Mag? This column has been questionable in the past, but is now bordering on cringe worthiness. Im not going to go into the details, but If an Instructor offered this months column as a briefing on stalling to me in a review or as an instructor test, I would be suggesting they take up fishing. Is this the best we can do?
  3. Wouldnt be a sting. They are currently restricted to ops at 450 Kg's.
  4. The RV canopy would open easily. Never tried it in flight tho.
  5. Sorry for speculating in here.. But i dont agree Deb. A small amount of oil goes a long way. Can always look out the sides? Lets not start doing the "he should have done this" caper hey? The facts show oil on the canopy and wings, thats what I was referring to. Clearly for some reason the canopy was opened or compromised. Thats all we have to go on. Doubt heavy things would be sucked out of the cockpit. Maps and paper work maybe. Ersa and radio?
  6. Oil pressure drops sharply over last minute or so
  7. Oil all over the canopy, wing and tail. And contents of the cockpit emptied before the impact? What on earth has gone on here?
  8. Hi Geoff. Mate, thanks for the frank and open discussions on how you have been feeling during the various stages of your training. It really helps your Instructor (and other instructors that listen) if he/she knows how your feeling about something. The most difficult student to 'read' is a quiet one. I have been watching this thread with interest, and I noticed your comments re the rudder, but being a forum what usually happens when an instructor offers some sort of "advice" is it gets picked to pieces by every man and his dog who ever sat in an aeroplane. So lately there hasnt been much practical advice given by some of us. With all that in mind. I have a question. Why have you flown so many types? I couldnt think of more different aircraft types, The foxbat to a J230, then onto a 160 and a drifter. My concern would be that without fundamentals being "programmed" in first, you could be wasting a fair amount of emotional and financial fee's (so to speak) Having experience on different types is a fantastic thing, and should be encouraged. IMHO, this should only be incorporated AFTER you have a good solid skill platform in one type. Thats just my opinion by the way, so please dont get me in the poo with your instructor...lol..
  9. Was in a sportstar kaz. Rough as all get out as usual.
  10. I flew into Canberra on Saturday. Approach asked me if the aeroplane i was flying had a jab engine :) Just kidding. They wernt overly receptive, I senced major 'tude' from the controllers. Was unusually .... Noticeable...
  11. Lames are not currently aloud to perform work on RAA 24 reg aircraft. They MUST be L2's also.
  12. Yes, thats true. One of the through bolt failures was post an upgrade that wasnt done. But the other 3 have been on latest spec bolts, and 2 of them were installed by the factory.. Your contention sounds like just more Jab blaming everyone else rubbush that has landed them in this pickle..Good luck nostredamus (by the way not one single prediction he made has ever been proven to come true BEFORE it happend) You dont need a crystal ball to see the unacceptable failure rate of Perfectly maintained engines. Do you happen to work for Jab ?
  13. What absolute garbage.
  14. Yep. That's one of the issues.
  15. True to a point nev. On the same argument, the same human mistakes should keep the other makes failure rate numbers just as high ? At least proportionately hight due to the larger number of units in service? While stats can lie, they can also be pretty damming. Any "variable" with half the numbers, but twice the event count, needs an explanation.
  16. Statistically, the 'average' Australian has less then 2 arms.
  17. Can either of you offer an opinion regarding the current daft from casa increasing the exposure of instructors or the raa for that matter, in the worst possible case scenario, with regards to possible litigation? My q is , does strong statement front the regulator, even in a draft form, set a precedent for anyone wishing to prove neglegance?
  18. Showing your age gandalph...;)
  19. Yes Yenn, the fuel issue is very much on my radar too, although, there are several examples of 100% Avgas jabs having the same issue.
  20. Guys, i had a serious concern that I was hoping some smarter people then me could help shed some light on. Can we for once, have a grown up conversation? Pretend to be adults for a few hours?
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