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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Board memebrs, Casa employees, raa reps, instructors, lames, l2's... Who else can we vent our frustrations on??
  2. Yes , it's a collection of responses. Not statistics or data of any kind , I did read them all jet. I enjoy your digs at instructors :) Really? Nothing left to offer ? Let's start attacking instructors now, why not. We have attacked everyone else in the industry. Let's continue the downward spiral of rubbish. Your posts are often insightful and well constructed, but some times they are just a big girly whinge withe sly digs and childish rants. Please continue to offer the well founded and respectful knowledge you have, we all enjoy it :))
  3. Just a question mate. Seeing as you said statistics spelled out, thought it might have been put together by the raa . It's just yours I take it? What statistic is the drop box with several submissions " spelling out" ?
  4. :)) I'll do both!! .. The advertising slogan can be " as seen on tv " and " now casa approved" ... Teehee..
  5. Haha.. Yea I'm considering dropping them a CV...
  6. Sounds like we need to Ban pilots!!!...
  7. I would think it is a landing :)) A " forced" landing..
  8. Hi Chippy, and welcome to the forums. Im not exactly sure what your trying to get at with regards to 95.32. The 500 foot rule is not dealing with engine failures, its meerly the benchmark for "normal" operations , apart from those described in section 8. The turn back discussion has been raised several times on the forum, and its always san interesting discussion, but i dont think 95.32 applies to an EFATO situation. Cheers mate
  9. - In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet. - In France, it is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon. - In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon more than six-feet long. Sorry, just thought I would chuck in some laws that arent relevant to Aussies...
  10. Must have got a few, or my understanding of the voting process is wrong.. Its still most votes wins yea??
  11. I had an interesting convo with the ATC once when I was ferrying a Bantam. Asking for clearence through Coffs, : Andy: "Coffs Tower g'day, Bantam 3383 15 north at 2500 for Port maq request airways bla bla" Coffs: Aircraft calling say again aircraft type: Andy " Bantam 3383, a Bantam" Coffs: " ..................... aircraft numbers confirm thats a Phantom?" Andy " Negative, 3383 is a BANTAM, Bravo, Alpha, November....." Coffs" Bravo Alpha November, say aircraft type" Andy." Callsign is BANTAM.." Coffs " 3383 standbye, Bravo Alpha November, Coffs tower?" Andy" Coffs tower, this is BANTAM 3383. There is NO Bravo Alpha November.. I am a BANTAM, BRAVO, ALPHA, NOVEMBER, TANGO,ALPHA, MIKE......BANTAM" COFFS..." OH..... Like the chicken?? Andy " (trying to contain laughter and compsure) Affirmative. Bantam 3383, like the chicken" Coffs....Long pause........." But chickens cant fly....." Andy......
  12. Oh yea, good call then. Dont wanna be busting the airspace out there. No that wasnt me, it was one of our regulars that come down and visit family etc on the coast. Nice aeroplane :))
  13. Would have only been 120 ft difference on the Alt anyway, so no biggie either way, Tumit have an ATIS? Can be funny listening to people pronounce names. You can normally tell a low time pilot, and also where he trained because regardless of where he's at, he will call his home airfield traffic..lol..
  14. What a ridiculous notion. The reason we have no data on the cause is because the bloody manufacturer HASNT LOOKED FOR IT !!!!.. This is a fact proven time after time. I have direct evidence to show this case. Jab have, for years, maintained that operators are to blame. On friday I gave Jab a gift. A flying school that has suffered ALL the common failures, offered all my records Thousand of hours..All the common types..Multiple examples of each type. Operated in various locations, maintained by LAMES, L4's, L2's all around NSW and qld.etc.. They could have 'proven' their case, using my school.And I would be happy to cop it, if it meant they found the cause and fixed it for me. But guess what.. NO.. JAB are not interested in my case, as soon as they realised I had had many failures, they pretty much hung up the phone. They dont want to fix it, they just want it to go away.. Well guess what.. Its here, in your face...deal with IT!!!!
  15. And yet, here we are.. If the data is weak, we all have nothing to worry about.. 40 failures in a year is plenty of ammo dude.. Thats what has t stop.. That alone..
  16. So are the safety ramifications should they actually achieve what we all want them to...A safer engine..
  17. Thats good Maj, Im glad the board are behind him. Im sure they would need to be anyway before any public comment like this is made. Im not condemning the letter, im just concerned with 'picking a fight ' with CASA. I have a motto..never pick a fight your not sure you can win...lol.. I have a few scares, but so far its served me well..:)
  18. Yea Maj, like I said, I like him and his style. Im just worried about the 'feel' of the repsonse. Nobody would argue that RAA needs to hold some sort of ground and draw a line in the sand with CASA, I just hope this line doesnt put CASA in a defensive posture.Thats never good !
  19. Did you read the RAAus letter to CASA Nev?
  20. I like Monk, I like his style. But i wonder if this is the best approach. I hope it was considered properly, it seams a real " playing the man and not the ball" response. Fingers crossed CASA dont behave the way they have for the past 20 years when confronted.
  21. Th RAA's official response to CASA. Wowww.. Talk about taking a glove to the face of CASA.. A very clear message from the RAA, " YOU...ME...CARPARK...NOW"!!!!! https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/RA-Aus-Submission-to-CASA-re-Jabiru-Proposal-dated-21-Nov-2014.pdf
  22. Yep. When you get 40 reported cases in one year, come and chat..
  23. Some are informative, that's about all.
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