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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Well, 10% if them did. According to those numbers. Mind you one hasnt been reported yet (to jab) as its the basis of legal action which I cant comment on.
  2. Good point Bruce. The division of airspace in Aus is a disgrace. But I dont think CASA decide on this. I could be wrong but im sure airspace is an Airservices thing.
  3. I think anyone who responds to this statement 'literally' doesnt understand the premise.
  4. That's ok Aldo. I'm certainly no guru. But even I've had enough dodgy raa training to find errors in just about everything you have said, and seeing as it was you that decided to rubbish standards, I was pointing out the flaws in your training/ knowledge. So before you rubbish us poor old in trained raa pilots , be sure your 100% right in everything you say . Cool? If you want to start another thread as I suggested the please do so. We have hijacked this thread enough. Cheers
  5. Ok so Maybe a little simplified, but I believe a big factor in why "some' customers are not happy. personally, yes ive had dealings that were less than satisfactory from a 'customer' standpoint. I would love to be employed by Jab as a marketing advisor. I reckon I could double their sales in a few years.
  6. True. Particularly the kind that attracts many of your customers to forums..lol
  7. The customer is always right. First rule of business.
  8. It's not bashin if it's true mate. You really think casa are reacting to bashing? Jabs do Half the hours o rotax, and have twice the failures. Let's get passed this " bashing" and get on with fixing the problem.
  9. Taree is a CTAF, with no tower providing separation. Camden and Coffs are both class D, where the tower only provides separation between IFR-IFR, or IFR- SVFR. So perhaps there is going to be problems if you think the tower is going to separate you with the multitude of VFR traffic there. How are those standards looking now Aldo?
  10. Speaking of going back to school. Speed restrictions below 10000 feet in Glass G is 250kts IAS, not True Air speed.I can recommend a good school if you want some refresher training.
  11. yea, I agree. When supposedly experienced pilots (according to them) exaggerate and blow things up to make themselves look good ,all the while putting down the standards of the very organisation the students are training under. For your "numbers to work" you would need to be flying in 50 kt winds in your 230. Is that something you do a lot? Or did you just pull out the worst possible case scenario to demonstrate how far superior your training was?
  12. Too right jet. Some time ago I was told by ops to report everything, defect, incident etc.(as the rules state) Myself and my L2's did so religiously. Everything from broken through bolts, to thermal runaway on 12 channel monitored engine. Cylinders out of round (Bantam with 2200), replaced with new, then 15 hours later..Cylinders out of round again. Faulty starter solenoids Factory aircraft new arriving with electrical issues which turned out to be NONE of the wires behind the dash were crimped correctly, and a person could simply pull them out by hand. faulty propellors, throwing leading edge off at start up (first run). This happened twice in a row with new props. Factory told us there was a "bad batch" Rotax problems were also reported, gear box chattering (requiring replacement at high hour state ) Mag issues. Even a wheel departing the acft on a landing, You name, we have had it happen. Mind you we have over the period had jabs 160 x2, 170, 230 x 2, sportstar x2 , piper sports x2, brumby x2, gazellesx 2, bantam, x2, and probably 2000+ hours of training spread through them all (over the given period) So, we reported everything, and what do you think happened? I was asked to explain and I quote " the rash of reportable maintenance issues at Jasper brush." The rash!!!... And it wasn't nice, it wasn't friendly lets help you out stuff either. It apparently came from pressure from CASA (which was never proven to me, I asked for correspondence but was never shown a thing) I even provided correspondence to RAA regarding Jabiru admitting to supplying wrong components which lead to a failure. The factory stated that they dont know how, but the wrong nuts and through bolts were sent and fitted. I asked RRA if Jab would be forced to explain this and other issues of equal magnitude, or weather its just me and my school that has to explain JABIRU"S short comings? Fair question I would have thought. My point is this, how keen to report things do you think I am now?
  13. I've flown in there many times :) So 300 kts was an exaggeration yea?
  14. Also I see what you mean about standards being crap. Apparently the king air drivers going into Roma at 300kts don't know the rules regarding speed restrictions in class g. ;)
  15. Wow. 6 king airs and a few dash 8's all at once. All of which with tcas And ifr no doubt so traffic advice given from Brisbane. Not too much drama there mate. Your correct, well off topic.
  16. Thanks for the opinion Aldo. How did you go with starting that thread?
  17. jetr, you said that the "market will get jabiru on board". My position is that "the market" has not gotten jabiru on board to date, if it had, then we wouldnt be getting these un precedented actions being proposed by the regulator. The argument that plenty are getting good service is NO argument at all. Its no argument to say that some are getting what THEY SHOULD BE getting from a certified engine. So they should be getting it. So we ALL should be getting, but clearly are not.
  18. How tho? The Market has been screaming at them for years. I know I have!!!
  19. Who's sure of anything jetr? For years we have called for something, now ' something's' happening, we are of course gunna start complaininbits the wrong something, the wrong people.. Who on earth would you suggest can make the changes? Tony abbot?? Start looking a the positives, maybe, just maybe they will fix the problems?! An your investment might actually be worth something again.
  20. I mean the people who can actually make a change. Casa/raa/jab.
  21. What ever happens, the right people are now talking about the problems.. Instead of just us all getting at each others throats about it. Cheers
  22. Might I suggest you start a separate thread on " low training standards in Raa, and invite comment:)
  23. No worries Aldo. Things have changed considerably since you did your training. I pointed out the difference seein as a current student was asking for advice, which he recieved from several instructors. Your advice was that there was no need to study the relevant theory ( which was the advice of some instructors) Which is fine, you are entitled to your opinion. But stating the standards of training are too low and then Usng incorrect figures as a basis for the Comment deserved some " attention" Mate try flying into or out of bankstown on charter, or Camden or moorabin, mixing it with all sorts if traffic, you will find its a little more demanding than Roma. Standards are different among individual pilots, and if you see or hear somthing you have a safety concern about, then Please use the correct channels to have it sorted. Bland comments regarding low standards don't help a student who was asking for advice. Cheers
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