Too right jet. Some time ago I was told by ops to report everything, defect, incident etc.(as the rules state)
Myself and my L2's did so religiously. Everything from broken through bolts, to thermal runaway on 12 channel monitored engine. Cylinders out of round (Bantam with 2200), replaced with new, then 15 hours later..Cylinders out of round again.
Faulty starter solenoids
Factory aircraft new arriving with electrical issues which turned out to be NONE of the wires behind the dash were crimped correctly, and a person could simply pull them out by hand.
faulty propellors, throwing leading edge off at start up (first run). This happened twice in a row with new props. Factory told us there was a "bad batch"
Rotax problems were also reported, gear box chattering (requiring replacement at high hour state ) Mag issues.
Even a wheel departing the acft on a landing,
You name, we have had it happen. Mind you we have over the period had jabs 160 x2, 170, 230 x 2, sportstar x2 , piper sports x2, brumby x2, gazellesx 2, bantam, x2, and probably 2000+ hours of training spread through them all (over the given period)
So, we reported everything, and what do you think happened?
I was asked to explain and I quote " the rash of reportable maintenance issues at Jasper brush."
The rash!!!... And it wasn't nice, it wasn't friendly lets help you out stuff either. It apparently came from pressure from CASA (which was never proven to me, I asked for correspondence but was never shown a thing)
I even provided correspondence to RAA regarding Jabiru admitting to supplying wrong components which lead to a failure. The factory stated that they dont know how, but the wrong nuts and through bolts were sent and fitted.
I asked RRA if Jab would be forced to explain this and other issues of equal magnitude, or weather its just me and my school that has to explain JABIRU"S short comings? Fair question I would have thought.
My point is this, how keen to report things do you think I am now?