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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Not a problem in this case. :) Stats as you say are a key to understanding, so stats on oscars experience with these aircraft is what I seek. And I do so without looking to point fingers or use name calling. I just want some context to his self described " jabiru defender" status. I know already his brothers involvement in the design etc , so Daffyds views are incredibly valuable due to his experience.
  2. Oscar, just to add some context to your points and relevance to your position as Jabiru defender, Exactly how many Jabirus have you flown/ owned/ operated? I ask this with all respect, I just wish to know what experience base you draw your conclusions from, in a real practical sense.
  3. We used a LAME who looked over the logbooks and the aeroplane etc.
  4. Yea, you can ask what you like, it doesnt mean you will get it. We recently had the J170 valued professionally. its 4 years old, has 1300 hours. market value $50k. Almost exactly half the new price. In contrast, a friend of mine recently sold his Sportsar, 8 years old with 500 hours. $94k
  5. RAA issuing RPL's would solve a lot of the problems:) Wink wink!!!!
  6. So an un licensed pilot can PIC the aeroplane?
  7. is it just me or is there a major hole in this system? DJ? Whats the skinny mate? If a student was ready for solo tomorrow, how would you send him? On what licence?
  8. I can understand some of that. I would be hesitant to issue a Nav ticket to ANYBODy without a good look at him/ her, regardless of what endo's they have. Purely from a currency point of view, nav skills go out the window quickly, and any GA school would want a good look at ANY nav endo before ticking boxes. What ever the intention was, the reality of it is such that no Instructor GA or RAA should be just signing stuff over. I do the same when converting PPl holders to RAA. Its just par for the course im afraid.
  9. Hang on..The RPL also replaces the SPL? So what Licence are students solo'ing on?
  10. Ahhh. Yep . I get ya, yes it seems that's correct :)
  11. Its all spelled out on the CASA site. (Does anyone ever actually go there before posting here?) Its quite clear, a flight review is required. Here: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101585 "if an individual already holds a pilot certificate issued by a recreational aviation administration organisation or a GFPT, they will be able to exercise the privileges of a RPL after they have conducted a flight review." Took me 30 seconds to find this info..
  13. Imagine if the raa could issue them;)
  14. Yes it equals it, but it's not issued. You still have to get signed off.
  15. And guess what, the recordings you have to listen to and decipher in the "english proficiency test" are spoken by an Indian. You have to be able to decipher a thick "indian" accent to pass an english proficiency test.. yea boy!!!!. Thats not a waste of time at all...
  17. The same should go for defects found that didnt result in an "incident" I reckon. I know the culture is NOT to report things, but IMHO thats exactly the reason why this has been aloud to go on for so long.
  18. Glad hes ok Maj. Has there been a reg change re reporting?
  19. Maybe they might start taking accepting the recommendations of some of the countries leading specialists over that of the GP who asses the reports. I was sitting at the desk recently with one a professor in cardilology from RPA, when he read a letter from the GP at CASA that they were not letting a young lady fly due to some minor heart thing that the professor had tested and reported on as being "no issue". He was...very disappointed (to say the least) that his recommendations had been over turned by a GP.lol.. ps, apparently professors in cardiology swear aswel:)
  20. Oh ok bear, that would make the statement a bit more clear. Didn't think about Rh ccts.
  21. I think that just means there was nothing physically wrong with it..
  22. I dont want to speculate, but looks like she's snuffed out and the poor guy has just come up short..:(
  23. I wonder why the report refers to a "non standard approach which included an orbit" Whats "non standard" about orbiting over the airfield to determine wind etc? Looked like a standard mid field crosswind join to me? Doesnt get any more "standard then that?
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