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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. RAAus: 76 Accidents & Incidents Figures - 01/01/14 to 21/07/2014 Incidents - 40 Accidents - 36 Fatalities - 6 Locations: (Locations that had more than one) NSW - 24 (Goulburn: 3, Bankstown: 3, Wollongong: 2) QLD - 24 (Caboolture: 3, Archerfield: 3, Caloundra: 2) VIC - 19 (Moorabbin: 6, Tyabb: 2, Tooradin: 2) SA - 5 WA - 3 NT - 1 TAS - 0 ACT - 0 Overall Engine Problems Jabiru vs Rotax: 14 Jabiru vs 7 Rotax Most Common Problems: - Engine Troubles - Pilot Error: + Heavy Landings + Loss of Directional Control on Ground + Human Factors - Pilot Distracted Top 3 Aircraft to have an Accident/Incident in: Jabiru: 28 Foxbat: 4 Gazelle: 4 BREAKDOWN ------------------- Incidents: Rough Engine - 10 (4 Rotax, 6 Jabiru) Engine Failure - 7 (1 Rotax, 6 Jabiru) Pilot Error - 7 Airframe - 4 Prop - 2 Near Miss - 1 Fuel - 2 Undercarriage - 3 Aerobatics - 1 Fire - 1 Accidents: Beach Landing on Soft Sand - 1 Airframe Failure - 3 Heavy Landing - 9 Loss of Directional Control (On Ground) - 8 Engine Failure - 3 (2 Rotax, 1 Jabiru) Pilot Error - 7 Unknown - 3 Runaway Aircraft (No POB, Engine Running) - 1 Controlled Flight into Terrain - 1 Aircraft: Foxbat - 4 Eurofox - 2 Airborne Edge - 1 Airborne 912 - 2 Avid Flyer - 1 Bristell BRM - 1 Brumby 600 - 1 Cessna 162 - 1 Colyaer - 1 Super Petrel - 1 Sportstar - 1 Fisher Celebrity - 1 Fisher Mk1 - 1 Flight Design CTMC - 1 Flash PPC - 1 Fly Synthesis Storch - 1 Fly Synthesis Texan - 2 Lightwing - 1 Savannah - 2 Jabiru 160 - 7 Jabiru 120 - 3 Jabiru 170 - 7 Jabiru 200 - 1 Jabiru 230 - 6 Jabiru SK - 1 Jabiru SP - 2 Jabiru 400 - 1 Sonerai - 2 Morgan Sierra - 1 Pioneer - 2 Piper L4H - 1 Piper Sport - 1 Pipistrel - 1 Rallye - 1 SeaRay - 1 Skyfox Gazelle - 4 Sonex - 1 Tecnam P92 - 2 Tecnam P96 - 1 Wittman Tailwind - 1 Zenith CH200 - 1 Zenith 701 - 1 Zenith 750 - 1
  2. True. And a friend of mine recently commented that theres plenty of Jab engines In the USA and south africa, and they have next to NONE of the problems. Could this be due to the fact the engines are installed in OTHER airframes mainly? Conventionally, as im sure you know, the engine bay is boxed off with draw created by lips etc on the underside to create flow of air around the engine (Bascially) In jabs the ducted head system uses a different philosophy, as far as my laymans eye can tell anyway. Operating a Bantam with a jab engine, that sits out in the open with no cowling, one would think this would be ok? Nope, same deal, warped "egged' cylinders TWICE in 50 hours of operation. New top end at 100. Cooling is the problem, im 99% convinced.
  3. Your right in one respect I think Jet, the bashings dont help. The issue is, for me anyway, any negative comment or request for info, or offering of personal experience is CALLED bashing. I dont believe its any coincidence either, its an old political trick to muddy the waters by saying " ahh see, always just a jab bash" and its a real shame. It does happen, and I agree that there are a lot of useless comments and digs made. But there is also alot of uselful info for potential engine buyers or aeroplane buyers. According to the factory, the engine is world class and theres no issues, and to be honest, I agree for the most part. Its a smooth, powerful, easy to work on, simple engine. But there are issues. But when experienced operators, pilots, owners, maintainers, Instructors, Flying school's are saying "HELP"!!! We cant just call it bashing and click " Ignore". If nothing else, threads like this should encourage potential owners to research more and have ALL the info to make an informed decision.
  4. 13 pages of blather and false assersions?? I think not. No fire, no smoke...
  5. If he was flying from the right seat, and wasnt a training flight, then the aeroplane would have to have no "control seat' designated in the POH. Some do,some dont, so flying from the right is not on in some types (unless your an instructor ON A TRAINInG flight. Secondly, im not sure what the deal is with the cirrus, but stalling with pax in the rear seats is another no go (utility category only) issue as well. Mite think im being a bit tight assed, but you really have to be careful your doing the right thing because sometimes sh!t happens.
  6. So who was in command?
  7. Good onya Bex, thanks!!!
  8. If only it were that simple. When your charging people money to hire your aircraft, and your sending 15 year old girls solo in it, " tweaking" is not the go.
  9. Lol.. What a champion..
  10. What would you have me do Daffyd? Play with the instruments on a certified aeroplane? Get an EO to change the location of a sensor? Im not chosing to ignore anything, you know very well we cant just fiddle with things on the word of a forum post. Write me an EO, and ill get my engineer to do it.
  11. No, but I dont think I need to re design an engine or its instruments after Ive purchased a certified aeroplane.
  12. Yes, see the R44 fuel tank bladders for a perfect example of how that all plays out. And interestingly, how pressure from the public (thanks Andy) can sway the actions of the regulator. Those things killed dozens of people world wide, and CASA finally stepped up and changed the mod from an SB to an AD.
  13. That being said. I have to agree, i think the CHT is a major cause of the problems. Thats not coming from any engineering back ground, just purely operational experience. Having had over half a dozen different model jabs over a few years, in different schools/ locations, Ive noticed the only engine I could say has been OK is the coolest running of them all. By far, and the one thats caused the least problems. I think the figures in POH etc are wrong. I dont think you can run these things at 180 deg's and expect them to last.
  14. Or, we could ask the manufacturer to "learn all this cool stuff" hey, seeing as we are buying a certified Aeroplane engine. I think your question should be does the manufacturer know how a thermocouple works?. I dont need to know sh!t about my commodore, I turn the key and it works. Thermocouple schmermocouple.
  15. Comon fellas... Don't start the playground talk.
  16. Why would he? hes never aloud it before. Despite the country crying for an option..
  17. Not entirely true FT. LSA are issued different COA's then type certified. Only a few jab models are type certified.
  18. Couldn't agree more gandalph. My point is that i would hope this would happen BEFORE the above scenario takes place. or something like it. It seems admitting theres a problem is the hardest step. And certainly not a step thats been taken by the manufacturer. At least now the RAA have admitted it, lets get the problems fixed so the true potential of this aussie company can be realised!
  19. Glad he's ok. Not a nice situation hving to take tress instead of putting people at risk, imagine the repercussions, an raa acft has engine failure and kills golfer. Now imagine its foud to be due to a failure mode that is wel well well well documented and reported.. Scary stuff.
  20. Oscar... What the hell are you on old sport? Can I get some please? What a rant about nothing.. Really? Bunnings? The RAA are 'taking steps' buddy, I recall warning you of this several months ago, and was met with similar self serving, rambling librarian, jabiru share selling rubbish from you then. Read between the lines and suck it up sweet heart. How long did you and your buddies think this would go on for? Youu can fool the punters, but not people that acuatlly know what they are talking about and operate these ...Cough...Engines, daily.. Im glad the CEO or as he stated ( the RAA) has written to CASA. Change is in the air my learned friend, change that will only improve safety, which is what we all want isnt it?
  21. Who needs brumby parts? Anyway, we cant all use parts from supercheap.
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