Your right in one respect I think Jet, the bashings dont help. The issue is, for me anyway, any negative comment or request for info, or offering of personal experience is CALLED bashing. I dont believe its any coincidence either, its an old political trick to muddy the waters by saying " ahh see, always just a jab bash" and its a real shame. It does happen, and I agree that there are a lot of useless comments and digs made. But there is also alot of uselful info for potential engine buyers or aeroplane buyers. According to the factory, the engine is world class and theres no issues, and to be honest, I agree for the most part. Its a smooth, powerful, easy to work on, simple engine. But there are issues.
But when experienced operators, pilots, owners, maintainers, Instructors, Flying school's are saying "HELP"!!! We cant just call it bashing and click " Ignore". If nothing else, threads like this should encourage potential owners to research more and have ALL the info to make an informed decision.