Ive had a few calls, texts and emails form people, looking for...I dont know, encouragement, answers, some sence!.
I dont have much to offer them. Its times like this we all have a look at it apply our own mortality to the equation.We wouldn't be human if we didn't.
Ive chased the rabbit down this hole several times before, and the inevitable question arises:
If old mate, with 20,000 hours cant survive this sport, then what hope do I have? Ive heard it a dozen times this week, and its echoed in my own thoughts.
We need to be realistic. Theres plenty of posts here about the odds being in our favor etc, and thats very true, but as I keep saying, we can minimise the risk as far as humanly possible through solid, safe flying.
Every flight MUST be flown on its merits, there is no such thing as routine, not at this end of the spectrum.
Q.If I toss a coin 99 times and get 99 tails, what are the odds I will get a tail again?....
A. 50/50.... Exactly the same odds as each one of those 99 coin toss's that came before . It matters not what you did in the previous 10..100..10000 hours leading up to THIS flight.. This next flight carries all the same risks and odds as every flight hence.
"The plane landed fine, taxied in fine, ive only been sitting having coffee for an hour, no need for a walk around"?? How many of us are guilty of this thinking?
" Fuel quantity checked.. Yep, I checked it this morning, all good"
" Should we run the engine up again?"... "No it should be ok, It was fine this morning. ".. Examples of trying to carry the odds into this flight, trying to maintain " 99 tails, this one HAS to be heads"...
I would never presume to speak for the deceased. But I reckon if I know one thing about Graham, its this.. He would absolutely cringe if he knew his dimise was causing some of us to question our future in flying. It would sadden him NO end.. He devoted a life time to Instructing, mentoring, and sharing the passion. Thats what drove him, thats what got him up every day. Thats why he had little money.. Its the infectious love of flying that defined Graham as a pilot and a human being, and knowing this, im sure he would be telling us to have a beer for him, and get on with it. Do it good, do it safe, only do it in CAVOK if you want to, but for god sake....DO IT!!!