Some react well, and land straight ahead or in a direction closely aligned with the heading they were on.
Some react poorly- They freeze, dont really do anything, hold the controls where they are and basically stall straight ahead (yes, ive seen this on more htne one occasion)
Some turn back. The worst decision of all. Yes sure, some have made it, some can do it from a practice at 10 bloody thousand feet, but a sh!tload have NOT. And have spun in. Do you really need an explanation or were you just being vexatious?
The FACTs are, its one of the most dangerous things you can do in a plane statistically. Most people have a pre determined turn back height ALREADY included in their take off safety brief dont they? What you guys seem to be advocating is finding where under perfect conditions exactly this height is and adding some fufge to it. Great, go for it. That sounds bloody fantastic, and in a perfect world, where everything works as it should, the 10 hour pilot will calmly look at their alt and note the height and make a perfect split ass turn and =return gracefully to the runway. All because they applied the Forumites perfect world forumla..
Let me give you option B.. The 10 hour pilot takes seconds to COMPUTE the engine is no longer producing power (the prop still spinning mind you) . Then he panics and freezes for a second or two more.. Then, in the heat of the moment he tries to recall what height the formula he worked out on that perfect day 3 months ago was.. HHmm..nope, im at a loss, before he even has a chance to stop himself, hes in the split ass turn, the IAS is sweet bugga all, the stick is back at the stop and the opposite aileron is hard over trying to stop the spin. Thus is a scenario that I could provide multiple, multipl examples of..And even change the 10 hour pilot to 1000 hour pilot..Or 5000 hour instructor.. 3000 hour aerobatic pilot...
I fear that in the telling of this thread we are losing the prime reason for the fatalities..IMHO it is NOT a lack of height. It is a total loss of control, initiated by a fear response to a pre existing and pre installed FEAR of the event itself. WE are putting this fear into them by the way we train for it. This is a view that was put to ME by smarter people then the lot of us.
Take it or leave it..