At the rsik of being pedantic Tubz. Airspace is not designed to separate Commercial from GA traffic.
Airspace boundaries are not the issue at hand.
The issue is, with zero oversight, and zero checks in place, theres every chance that un qualified, un knowledgable people will be flying uavs INSIDE the airspace. Regardless of which class. Nobody has ANY idea bout the sheer numbers im talking about here. Im talking literally thousands of thse things could suddenly become commercially viable entities, sharing the airspace with YOU. With no more aviation knowledge then what they gleam from the form they have to sign and send to CASA.
The MAAA you speak of that run the "pattern flying" comps, and have their "one or two patterns" that each pilot must fly, so its the same for ALL of them, cant even keep the heights under 400 ft as we so dramatically proved to a local MAAA club. They had NO idea ( or every idea and didnt care) how high this "pattern" was making them fly.
These are pretty die hard hobbysit, with at least the "club" and its procedures to employ as a safe guard, that cant even get it right. And you think a few thousand UAV operators that will have sudden cate blanche to fly FOR REWARD ( read Sh!t yea bro, im up there if I can turn a buck from it) are gunna have ANY clue at all?
I have a UAV controllers certificate, and I was reasonably happy with the process I had to under go to obtain it. Sure, it could be simplified, but not DISSOLVED!!!!!