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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Lol.. Height is your friend!!! Watch the windshear on a westerly.. Nasty.
  2. :( From what i read it was on final? Bit late to pull it at that level IMHO. There isnt a great deal of info out there regarding their usage. All the acft ive flown that have them fitted, I havnt paid a great deal of attention to them to be honest. Some say to arm them before you blast off etc. Some say 500 ft..Some say 1500.. Our bantam had one fitted, but the handle was right next to the flap lever. And theres a few pilots I know of that I dont want playing around with things like that!!!. Made me very nervous seeing the hands go up and grab the lever, and fidget with the BS handle..Not a nice feeling...
  3. Alf? Was that your old trike?
  4. Ummm.. Got any BAK books in your library?
  5. Incredible!!!. Glad they are all ok.
  6. Actually, there is already supercheap in Mittagong I believe. :)
  7. Yes, thanx Xair. Slowly getting info. As long as everybody's ok. Someone should open a Jab spare parts shop there..Make a killing!
  8. Its ok. I found some reports on the RAaus website. It wasnt this week it was a couple of weeks ago. Run of the mill valve seat failure etc.. Nothing new..500 hrs since overhaul. 1300 TT.
  9. Can anybody add any light to the reports of 2 aircraft suffering engine failures on or about the same day at Mittagong this week?
  10. Yea, gettin tired of this dump on RAA attitude. What new regulation has forced your Gazelle out of the air? news flash, the RAA didnt want or ask for anything, they are simply there to administer what WE THE MEMBERS WANT AND DO. So its the MEMBERS that wanted faster more complex aeroplanes. And I cant remember reading a regulation that deems your gazelle too slow to fit the catagory.
  11. You cant do that
  12. Yea mate. Cant touch it. It sucks, but I think you have the ony type certified Jab model. (may be wrong)
  13. Is it the charts that scare people? I can help u get on top of them. !!
  14. Hi. Im looking for an Instructor in or around perth to present a 5 day PPL theory course. The course is developed, all material is supplied, all you need to do is turn up and present it to 6 people. (sounds easy enough hey?) The pay is great! GA or RAA but you must be on top of loading and takeoff charts etc for the PPL cyber exam. PM me if your interested Cheers
  15. Awesome..Ive lost my keys!!!..
  16. Could be sh!tload worse too..
  17. It amuses me no end to see first world political 'grypes". We sit in our comfy homes, getting hot under the collar as lefty's and righties chuck the usual (and tiresome) arguments about whos government did the worst job. Meaniwhile, in the majority of the rest of the world, citizens have to worry about weather or not the governemnt will be there when they wake up. And if it is, will it decide to round them up and shoot them in the street. What if the other guys get into power, they dont have guns and ammo, so the michettes get a run instead. While we complain about some polly making a deal behind our backs that may see an endangered frog under threat, just over the pond families crowd into busted a$$ boats and attempt to flee the persecution, knowing they may not make it, and if they do, they will be locked up indefinitely. While we carry on because our PM looks like a dikhead in speedo's, other people crouch around dirty water holes trying to force water into theor lifeless children. This is one of the greatest countries on earth. We are more then lucky, we are the minority too. Fun fact..More then HALF the worlds population has never been on the internet:)
  18. Look fellas, I dont care which side of the room crap reporting comes from. All I know is when it comes it does nothing for aviation, and nothing for the victims familys.
  19. Yes. Rubbish..Total rubbish..
  20. I was gobsmacked!! Never seen such rubbish in my life. Are we going to be subjected to 'simulated" crashes from now on? Even tho we no evidence AT ALL that it happened that way.
  21. Good idea. Its a perfect example of how a 'gap' in the knowledge can end up being dangerous. Get some dual, doing stalls, wing drops, powered, flap, in turns, the whole lot (as per the RAA Syllabus) and you will find your apprehension should disappear.
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